Toddler Don't go to Daycare-Unfortunately the Game only recognizes the original ServiceNPC Nanny as a Nanny. This Mod let's you give Infants/Toddler a hidden Trait which blocks them from going to Daycare. You still get the Pop Up to choose, but when you click "Send to Daycare", they ...
14.07.2023 - Better Nanny Main Mod Package should allow you to talk with the Nanny again. 09.04.2023 - More Tweaks to work better with infants 19.03.2023 - First Update to work better with infants 14.03.2023 - Patch 1.96.365 Update ( a lot of Mods use XML Injector now, instead of ...
but for non-active one’s as well. This is causing the game files to inflate and take up more space. For this reason I will suggest anyone who wants to avoid possible crashing, freezing and overall cleanliness of their game, download the“No or Fewer Memories”mod. You can choose none ...
but for non-active one’s as well. This is causing the game files to inflate and take up more space. For this reason I will suggest anyone who wants to avoid possible crashing, freezing and overall cleanliness of their game, download the“No or Fewer Memories”mod. You can choose none ...
Nanny, Butler & Babysitter (Call a BabysitterMod) You need to “Introduce Foster Kids” to the Nanny, Butler or Babysitter. The Interaction is available when clicking on the Nanny etc. This will give them the necessary “has met” Relationship so those NPCs will recognize Foster Kids and tak...
[ARCHIVED] Nannies will continue to appear after canceling nanny service","conversation":{"__ref":"Conversation:conversation:11523664"},"id":"message:11523664","revisionNum":2,"uid":11523664,"depth":0,"board":{"__ref":"Forum:board:the-sims-4-bug-reports-archive-en"},"author":{"__...
Hi, I've purchased and installed The Sims 4 Vintage Glamour Stuff Pack, however, on two of my computers I have butler and nanny options. On the pc in the family room those features are missing. Anyone care to hazard a guess as to what's going on there? I've repaired the game ...
careers.add_careerAdult_NPC_Nanny careers.add_careerAdult_NPC_PizzaDelivery careers.add_careerAdult_NPC_Repair careers.add_careerAdult_NPC_Gym_Trainer careers.add_careerAdult_NPC_Barista careers.add_careerAdult_NPC_Bartender careers.add_careerAdult_NPC_Gardener_Service ...
In CAS, start a new family. You must create two sims, gender does not matter (though make sure one of them is capable of having children with the use of the gender customizer). They may be human and/or alien. Both must be of the adult age (NOT young adult). They must have the ...
6. 2 points if the birth that brings in the last generation is twins. 7. 2 points if you can get two social bunnies to have romantic interactions on the lot – One time only 8. 2 points if the ghosts on your lot can access your sims – see post below ...