移除鼠标悬停时物品/市民高亮显示的白线框 hovereffects off 获得5W模拟币 motherlode 获得1K模拟币 kaching/rosebud 设定家庭资金数额 money 数值 启用免费入住/禁用免费入住 freeRealestate on/freeRealestate off 解锁医院或警局这种特殊地段的编辑权 需要EP01来去上班 bb.enableFreeBuild 启用死亡/禁用死亡 Death.tog...
===补充=== 来源:http://game.ali213.net/thread-5644988-1-1.html 解锁医院或警局这种特殊地段的编辑权 bb.enableFreeBuild 启用死亡/禁用死亡 Death.toggle on/Death.toggle off 重置市民秘籍格式:resetSim 名姓 解锁隐藏物品 bb.showHiddenObjects 解锁奖励物品 bb.ignoreGameplayUnlocksEntitlement 启用自动支付...
大秘籍:testingcheats true 关闭晶锥:HeadlineEffects off(打开这个秘籍之后小人头顶的晶锥不会再显示,非常适合截图拍照) 免费地段可编辑:bb.enableFreeBuild(当你的小人去一些特定地段的时候,是不可以打开建造模式的,用了这个秘籍就可以随意改造了) 解锁隐藏物品:bb.showHiddenObjects 解锁奖励物品:bb.ignoreGameplayUnl...
此外,在模拟市民怀孕的任何阶段,他们都可以选择是否前往进行孕期检查。这一设定让玩家能够根据自身需求和情境来决定是否进行这一重要步骤。到达医院后,你需要输入bb.enablefreebuild作弊码,以进入建造画面并购买“超音波装置”。(按下ctrl+shift+c可开启秘籍栏,输入秘籍testingcheats on,再输入作弊码,最后按Esc关...
bb.enablefreebuild: build anywhere, even on locked lots bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement: allows you to buy items that are normally locked behind progressing in a particular career bb.increaserentalunitcap [on/off]: add more rental units to a property above the 6 unit cap in the For Rent...
Build Anywhere Cheat is the mentioned below: bb.enablefreebuild Move Objects Freely Cheat You could put things in areas that the game just wouldn’t ordinarily allow if you use this Cheat. You may put objects together or touch them if you want to. Using this technique, you may even combin...
bb.enablefreebuild– Build anywhere bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement– Unlocks any locked Career Items in Build mode Using all or a combination of some of these will save you money or allow you to build anywhere, giving you much more freedom than normal. ...
Build anywhere: "bb.enablefreebuild" Another helpful cheat to use as a companion to this one is: Move objects anywhere: "bb.moveobjects on" 5. Improve your Sims' skills The Sims 4features many RPG elements, including stats tied to multiple activities. Fortunately, you don't have to hear ...
bb.enablefreebuild: Now you can build anywhere, even on locked lots. bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement: Allows you to buy items like home decor and furniture that are locked behind career progression. Sims 4 Live Mode Cheats If your Sim is stuck somewhere they shouldn't be, you can play ...
bb.enablefreebuild Build anywhere, even on locked lots. bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement Ignore Gameplay Unlocks Entitlement - lets you buy items locked by careers. sims.give_satisfaction_points x Gives a Sim x amount of satisfaction points with which you can buy rewards. Sims.give_satisfaction...