先说一下就是,Sims4的很多秘籍都跟以往版本不一样了,虽然覆盖的功能多了很多,但是秘籍也多了很多。我这里会列出一些主要的作弊秘籍,比较常用的。 调出秘籍输入框 Ctrl+Shift+C 启用作弊模式 testingCheats on / testingCheats true 基本上所有秘籍都需要建立在大秘籍已经开启的基础上,新玩家请务必先输入这一条...
增加满意点数 秘籍格式:sims.give_satisfaction_points 数值 移除鼠标悬停时物品/市民高亮显示的白线框 hovereffects off 获得5W模拟币 motherlode 获得1K模拟币 kaching/rosebud 设定家庭资金数额 money 数值 启用免费入住/禁用免费入住 freeRealestate on/freeRealestate off 解锁医院或警局这种特殊地段的编辑权 需要EP0...
The Sims 4cheats let you play the game exactly how you want. Sure, The Sims series is plenty of fun on its own, but you live your life with the same restrictions you find in the game every day. Cheats let you cut loose and create the neighborhood you want and the house of your dr...
模拟人生4秘籍需求全满有哪些 一、秘籍需求全满 1、开启秘籍框 --- Shift Ctrl C 2、启用隐藏的开发秘籍 --- testingcheats true / false 3、随意摆放物品 --- bb.moveob-jects on 4、解锁隐藏物品 --- bb.showHiddenOb-jects 5、解锁奖励物品 --- bb.ignoreGameplayUnlocksEntitlement ...
sims4奖励点数秘..1、按住Ctrl+Shift+C,游戏界面左上角出现空白条。2、在空白条中输入 testingcheats true(记得true!!!)然后按回车键!!Enter!(输完秘籍执行都是按回车键)接着会
在用“testingcheats true”开启作弊模式后,可用以下代码达到相应的修改效果: 1. 调试模式:bb.showhiddenobjects 2. 设定当前资金数目:money [金钱数目 3. 增加当前资金的数目:Sims.modify_funds +[增加的资金数目] 4. 减少当前资金的数目:Sims.modify_funds +[减少的资金数目] ...
Write "testingcheats" true and accept it. A message should be displayed in that window: "Cheats are enabled" Enter the cheat code The Sims 4 money cheat codes are: Kaching (1,000 simoleons) Motherlode (50,000 simoleons) View in thread ...
模拟人生4秘籍 在Sim4游戏中按 [Ctrl] + [Shift] + C 开启控制台,输入秘籍指令后按回车确认可获得对应效果 1、金钱修改 不要用motherlode,太累了 直接sims.modify_funds 5000000 500w直接到位 2、人物修改 先开启 testingcheats true 然后cas.fulleditmode ...
- Build Mode Cheats - Money Cheats - Skill Cheats - Careers Cheat - Move Objects Cheat - Pregnancy Cheats and many others. LEGAL This application is an unofficial guide for the The Sims 4 video game. It is not affiliated in any way to the games' publishers or developers. The pure aim ...
(The most powerful cheat code of SIMS 4) In the game, press Shift + Ctrl + C to call out the input field Official basic secret TestingCheats true Enable cheat mode/disable cheat mode TestingCheats on/testingCheats off * friendship hints to simulate the life series tradition: when cheating ...