下載完成後先將npcc檔案解壓縮,將中文翻譯檔案放進npcc資料夾中,接著再將npcc資料夾整個放入: Documents(文件)\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods。 模組(6): Turbo Careers Mod & Go to School Mod (新增上班與上學模組) By Zerbu 這裡要一次介紹上班與上學這2款相關的模組,這兩款模組可以一起安裝運行,但前...
When it comes to thebest sims 4 mod, each of us has our own choice. In simple terms, the best mod describes what makes your gameplay more realistic and fun. So it could be anything. Maybe you just want to mod yoursims clothes,pets,or whatever it’s there in the game. It’s your...
The Sims 4 base game comes with an impressive amount of content. However, you can open up even more possibilities by downloading mods that enhance style and gameplay in the Sims 4. These in-game add ons are embraced by the Sims community (there’s even an officialSims 4 mod hub). Best...
#4 Send Sims To Bed I used this little mod with great effect with a live-in Day Care. With this, you can use the Sim you’re controlling to send other Sims to bed. Click a bed, select send to bed, and the Sim you select will head off to sleep. You can download it here. #...
The Extreme Violence Mod for Sims 4 gives players the ability to slash, shoot, or run over other sims. This is how to install and play it.
Das erste Bild zeigt den deutschen Youtuber SimFans.de bei seinem Let's Play mit der aktiven Karriere als Schauspieler.Hier der Link:... - 7387101
The Sims 4 completely ignores a common situation in life – having a roommate. With LMS’s roommates mod, you can have a roommate that pays rent, and is completely outside your control. This is something that players frequently want, because it adds some spice to the game. Using LMS’s...
2月4日 2pm PT(北京时间 2月5日 6am)将在YouTube开启模拟人生的25h直播,许多知名Youtuber都会参与活动,与粉丝们一起庆祝系列25岁生日!———围观地址:https://www.youtube.com/live/N7MgXuWVL6w 8楼2025-02-02 08:28 回复 tzj823 NPC 1 所以适配优化...
Sim-Nom-Nom Food Delivery Purchase Medicine Purchase Bottled Drinks Better Live Shopping Other mods in the P.S.O. series that do not require the shared library: Pharmacy Kiosk Purchase Occult Book Purchase Ultimate Sunblock *** Mod Support available viamy Discord: ...
Which means that if you installed it and ran the batch fix, it would spot any window and door files in your Sims 4 Mods folder and make sure they clipped properly again. $3/Month. Download your mod or CC of choice. One side of the door is a six-square-panel affair in a solid ...