Select the age range your Sim wants to date in the I’m looking for section. The Sexual Orientation section shows which genders your Sim is romantically attracted to and interested in WooHoo with. These preferences can be set in Create a Sim. Read our WooHoo guide for help understanding and...
When the teen sim blows the birthday candles they age up to young adult but the popup that allows you to choose new trait and aspiration for the young adult sim does not pop up. The popup that shows if the teen has graduated with or without honor also does not appear.What do you ...
The first Sim watches their child turn into ayoung adultand become a parent, transitioning your character from adulthood to middle age. Eventually, the first generation patriarch or matriarch will die. When the inevitable happens, the succession rules establish a new heir. The new legacy character...
Sim won't age up Started byFashionsimm 9 Replies 33343 ViewsFebruary 12, 2022, 07:26:00 PM byBonnieLM77 LLama Teleporter Started bySonshine 4 Replies 2710 ViewsJanuary 31, 2022, 05:20:39 PM byNindigo Glass Falling and Breaking after using the Group Science Project?
What happens when a Young Adult hits their full Adulthood? They under-go Mid-Life Crisis. Not every YA will age up and have a Mid Life Crisis, but most likely they will. Mid Life Crisis is a time in a Sims’s life where they “break down” as a result of losing their youth. The...
Infants cannot be adopted by NPCs, they need to age up to Toddler before they can be adopted. Added "Caregiver" option to Foster Kids, which let's you add the Caregiver Relationship between Foster Kid and Household Members. Added Check Needs Option to Foster Pets/Kids. Clicking on a Need...
Infants that are born to a household you're not playing will be given names. There's a high probability that a pregnant sim you're not currently playing will produce twins. You can age up infants manually or send a sim you're playing to the infant's home. In that case, the child ...
I experienced this today with one of the main families families I play. I just noticed it now and I probably played them a week or so ago. They are not homeless and the age range was from baby-adult. There were other children/teenagers from the same family that I had moved int...
Any human children that your matriarch gives birth to do not count towards the 100 baby total. You may not move out human children to make more space for occult children until they meet the normal requirements to be aged up into a young adult. ...
Sims Young Adult to Elder have the option to run around town streaking! Sims will strip to their birthday suits and run around for about 30 minutes. This interaction gives the Sim a +20 “Streaker” moodlet. This option is only available if there are no children or teens present on the...