Better Werewolf Cheats Mod (S) – v1.0.1, Mar. 6 Collectibles Ready (S) – Mar. 2 Color Picker (S) – Mar. 2 Dine Out Reloaded (S) – reupdated v4.0.8, Mar. 6 Fertilize & Evolve All Mod (S) – Mar. 6 Gameplay Overhaul – v1.57, Feb. 29, Patr. Real Es...
I'm having issues with the werewolf's pack. I've only downloaded some CC mods which shouldn't affect this (However, I think it's been happening before that)... - 9205125
[AHQ] Werewolf Sims howl less frequently in Create a Sim. [AHQ
14.10.2022 - Added Support for Vaccum (bust the Dust) and Cottage Living Animals to Level 3 & 4 Anti Fear Skill Click to see all XML used in this Mod broadcaster_Fear_Pet_CoffeeMaker.xml broadcaster_Fear_Pet_Computer.xml broadcaster_Fear_Pet_Dishwasher.xml broadcaster_Fear_Pet_FireObject....
The Random Trait Generators have been updated for The Sims 4 Get Famous. Primary Parent Trait 1: Trait 2: Trait 3: Secondary Parent Trait 1: Trait 2: Trait 3: Child Traits Provide any child traits that were previously generated Generate ChildClear...
There are four skills unique to growing children in The Sims 4. Here, you can learn about each skill, as well as how to develop it. Whether your Child Sim is interested in storytelling, physical art projects, music, or more, there are plenty of ways to raise the Creativity skill for ...
In order to bring in the next generation, a new sim must be born.You may also choose to adopt Sims since they are considered part of the founder’s family trees. This will be especially helpful if you decide to have a homosexual founder/heir and don’t want to use a mod to get the...
But with a few different styles of paintings that unlock as you progress through the Painting skill in The Sims 4, each bringing in a different number of Simoleons regardless of their size, it helps to know which of the paintings are worth it. ...
This issue can be caused by this mod: Awwoo - Nerfed/No Vampire/Werewolf Instant Dislike Removing the mod should make the relationships show up again. Since this mod was reported broken well before many people posted here, please also head to Broken/Updated Mods & CC to catch up on more...