The Sims 4 Live Mode cheats resetsim [firstname lastname] - this will reset a stuck Sim, as long as you spell the name right aspirations.complete_current_milestone - completes the Sim's current aspirational goal sims.give_satisfaction_points [#] - type any number you want, your Sim will...
sims.give_satisfaction_points x Gives a Sim x amount of satisfaction points with which you can buy rewards. Sims.give_satisfaction_points 5000 for example. fillmotive x use fillmotive motive_energy or fillmotive motive_hungerBuild Mode CheatsWe've got build mode cheats listed above, but you ...
It's important to note that before you can use a cheat in The Sims 4, you need to type: testingcheats true The Unlimited Fame Points cheat is as follow: famepoints {number} This will add the Fame Points to whatever your selected Sim is. 9 9. Unstoppable Fame via:
Whenever you are due to pay bills, pay them (if able) and then reduce your household funds to $0 using the money cheat. (Open cheat console with ctrl-c then enter ‘Testing Cheats on’ without the quotes and hit enter. Then ‘Money 0’ without the quotes and hit enter). You may no...
t have to be married. Sims may be born at home or in a hospital, whichever you prefer. The moment the next generation is born, the heir’s mate officially becomes part of the family bloodline (and thus can earn lifetime want, aspiration perk and portrait points for you, provided they ...
The Creative trait has another perk you might not know about – Creative Sims can actually raise their fun meter while painting, building their skill at the same time! So not only are they improving their skills, but also their personal well-being. That's self-care 101. RELATED: 10 ...