sims.add_buff buff_Hysterical笑死 sims.add_buff buff_Enraged气死 sims.add_buff buff_Death_ElderExhaustion_Warning累死 吸血鬼秘籍 stats.set_stat commodity_BecomingVampire 2160这个要几日才能转化小人到吸血鬼 traits.equip_trait trait_OccultVampire直接把小人转化为吸血鬼 stats.set_stat rankedStatistic_Occult...
death.toggle [true|false] 开/关 小人死亡 10、吸血鬼秘籍 stats.set_stat commodity_BecomingVampire 2160 这个要几日才能转化小人到吸血鬼 traits.equip_trait trait_OccultVampire 直接把小人转化为吸血鬼 traits.remove_trait trait_OccultVampire 将吸血鬼小人回复正常人身 stats.set_stat rankedStatistic_Occult_V...
【吸血鬼能量】 stats.set_stat rankedStatistic_Occult_VampireXP 1593 吸血鬼达到满级并获得2能量点(每次输入均会获得2能量点) bucks.lock_all_perks_for_bucks_type 40962 [市民id] false 重置弱点(保留能量) bucks.lock_all_perks_for_bucks_type 40961 [市民id] true 返还能量并重置能量面板 【吸血鬼精力...
【吸血鬼能量】 stats.set_stat rankedStatistic_Occult_VampireXP 1593 吸血鬼达到满级并获得2能量点(每次输入均会获得2能量点) bucks.lock_all_perks_for_bucks_type 40962 [市民id] false 重置弱点(保留能量) bucks.lock_all_perks_for_bucks_type 40961 [市民id] true 返还能量并重置能量面板 【吸血鬼精力...
Cheats for The Sims 4 Vampires Game Pass As we have mentioned before, to be able to do these tricks, you must open the console with the command CTRL + SHIFT + C and enter the following phrase: Testingcheats true stats.set_skill_level VampireLore 15: Max out Vampire Lore skill ...
, Vampire Death & More, Inappropriate to Marry Fix, Faster Showers & Baths, Shower Bladder Reliever, Labor Puddles Plus Pets several Scumbumbo mods, including Packing Crates – see the Scumbumbo memorial site for a list, and go here for the current versions of mods SimRealist ...
The only way to change skin color of vampire Sims without cheats is with the vampire archetypes menu but you can change it to two colors white and dark brown so the problem is how can we change the skin color in the archetypes but not optionally for vampire Sims some people wan...
Level 4 or higher Mediums can perform a Ghastly Ritual that has a chance of temporarily turning them into a ghost. This even allows child Sims to temporarily become ghosts.[TS4:PS] Vampire ghosts who died by sunlight retain their vampiric abilities in death.[TS4:V] Spellcaster ghosts who ...
Now this could be seen as a vanilla death by fire, but I decided to give it its own category. They just have to burn to death in the post-crash fire. If you are never seeing any sims end crashes in flames, then there might be an issue with that and I’ll look into clipping ...
Vampires > Risky Vampirism > Vampire Creation Notification = Enabled MC Population Moving Settings > Allow Homeless Move-In = Disabled Moving Settings > Homeless Apartment Percent = 0 Moving Settings > Open Houses = 100 Enable or Disable Bar Nights = Disable Bear, Ghosts, Knight, Alien ...