4 Updater文件夹到可用空间较大的任意目录运行sims-4-updater.exe进行更新,更新过程中一定要勾选DLC ...
第二步,去到链接: https://sims.tarac.nl/the-sims-4/sims-4-download-update-repair-add-dlcs/ , 点击下图红框下载更新器。 会得到一个压缩文件夹(当前版本1.1.1), 解压后,双击运行更新器 “sims-4-updater-v1.1.1.exe” 注:如果运行报错如下 ...
If so, you might have heard of theAnadius Sims 4 DLC Unlocker, a tool that allows you to access all of the game’s DLC for free. The Sims 4 provides limitless opportunities for creativity and entertainment. Moreover, purchasing DLC packs provides customization and improves your gaming experien...
自从听说那马赛克改The.Sims.4.Launcher.par文件名后就再也进不去, 分享14赞 模拟人生吧 持如意金箍棒丶 【M吧闲谈】求解,为什么邻居家得公寓进不去刚买的都会生活dlc,地图里所有邻居家公寓为什么都拜访不进去,没有门,但是单间刷不出来,小人头上出来锁门或者走不进去的图标,是bug,还是这个dlc的设定就这样,好...
本吧热帖: 1-sim 4 updater下载不了dlc 2-一直进不去 3-求助幼儿脸部出现问题 4-进游戏一直卡在这个界面咋办 。加载不进去 5-泳池怎么删啊 6-有没有和马嘿咻的mod 7-为什么打开不了模拟工坊呀 8-换设备。。。 9-【分享】1.61绅士包 邪恶包 无偿分享 10-模拟人生4养生抱负,
https://answers.ea.com/t5/PC/CURRENT-ISSUE-Sims-4-DLC-shows-as-installed-won-t-load-in-game/m-p/1294... For the drives, you can arrange them however you want; I was just suggesting that you could make use of the extra space on the 1 TB system drive rather than diverting mo...
what should I do?弹出来的文档不用管,直接关掉 用Sims 4 Updater选择游戏文件夹更新就行了 ...
I wrote a walkthrough for uninstalling Sims 4 if you want another example: https://answers.ea.com/t5/PC/CURRENT-ISSUE-Sims-4-DLC-shows-as-installed-won-t-load-in-game/m-p/1294... For the drives, you can arrange them however you want; I was just suggesting that you could make ...
本吧热帖: 1-下了DU场MOD,发现没办法互动 2-模拟人生4养生抱负,自我照顾专家不会玩 3-M3求助(杀手mod) 4-sim 4 updater下载不了dlc 5-一直进不去 6-求助幼儿脸部出现问题 7-进游戏一直卡在这个界面咋办 。加载不进去 8-泳池怎么删啊 9-有没有和马嘿咻的mod 10-为什么打
第二步,去到链接: https://sims.tarac.nl/the-sims-4/sims-4-download-update-repair-add-dlcs/ , 点击下图红框下载更新器。 会得到一个压缩文件夹(当前版本1.1.1), 解压后,双击运行更新器 “sims-4-updater-v1.1.1.exe” 注:如果运行报错如下 ...