You can gain all that by attending university and getting a degree. But all these benefits come with perfect grades, so you need to make sure that you have a good CGPA. This guide will teach you how to get a degree in Sims 4 by discussing everything from getting an admission to gradua...
Applying for school can be a real nail-biter as you wait on an acceptance letter. In The Sims 4 Discover University, you'll have to do the same. Your Sim's achievements up until that point will be judged, and if worthy you can be accepted for scholarships and distinguished degree progra...
Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_ComputerScienceDegreeBAHonors Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_ComputerScienceDegreeBS Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_ComputerScienceDegreeBSHonors - 最佳 厨艺学: Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_CulinaryArtsDegreeBA Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_CulinaryArtsD...
Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_ArtHistoryDegreeBAHonors- The bestArt History degree, from Britechester. Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_ArtHistoryDegreeBS- so this would be from Foxbury, as arts distinguished is from Britechester. Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_ArtHistoryDegreeBSHonors Tr...
Sims 4 Gameplay Review: Depth is Needed to Satisfy Players The Sims 4 Discover University Gameplay Tips Discover University Expansion Guides The Sims 4 Discover University has been announced for November 15, for PC/Mac and December 17 for Xbox and Playstation 4 consoles. Latest Guides: Discover...
High schoolers caneasily pass their examsif players help them complete their homework by right-clicking the homework task. For Sims in university, right-click the course icon to change grade values, click the degree icon to change GPAs, and click on suspensions and probations to remove them....
Diego Lobo daughter have a degree in Drama , Candy Behr have a degree in Drama and Youki have a degree in Computer Science. All three of these sims I had them drop out college until I returned to have them enroll back into college. Candy Behr for some strange reason was homeless on th...
Buy The Sims 4 For Rent EA 13. The Sims 4 Discover University This expansion adds, not surprisingly, university life to the game, and it's decently fleshed out. There's a lot to like in here – from the greater emphasis on time management as your Sim tries to balance studying with ma...
29: Drama Degree Is Acting, University Skill Class Tweak, Custom University Electives bessy – all, including those previously reported broken Cepzid (Zulf) – Mar. 5, all mods not in Previously Broken or Updated Chingyu – Feb. 29: non-updated, non-broken mods Frankk – ...
With two prestigious school options to choose from, Sims can’t go wrong as they start their educational journey. The stately University of Britechester is particularly known for molding students into smart, well-rounded Sims ready to face the world’s challenges, offering a variety of degree pa...