Unable to start: Cannot start because game data is missing or damaged. If you have Mods installed please remove them and try again. If not, please repair or reinstall the game via Origin. [de4ee14f:29f00e76:00000000:4b0d852b]
Unable to start: Cannot start because game data is missing or damaged. If you have Mods installed please remove them and try again. If not, please repair or reinstall the game via Origin. [de4ee14f:29f00e76:00000000:4b0d852b] [Ignore the mention of Origin; this error ...
First, start theWicked Whims gameand then open theGame Options. Now, navigate to theOther settingsoption After that, click on theView Custom Contentoption. Now you will be able to see “TURBODRIVER_WickedWhims_Tuning” there; If you are unable to see this folder then we recommend you find ...
The remote Internet Message Transport Agent (IMTA) is unable to handle the message when it's delivered, but may be able to later. The local IMTA returns the message to the channel queue and schedules it for retransmission at a later time. transport protocols Provides the means to transfer ...
Some players are unable to click on various parts of the neighborhood map The travel screen, when traveling between neighborhoods/worlds, can sometimes appear garbled or glitched The Simsmight crash if you are not on the default neighborhood, interact with another Sim, and then save ...
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused 1.First use theNSLOOKUPutility to see what MX records, if any, exist for this host. If no MX records exist, then you should try connecting directly to the host. If MX records do exist, then you must test by connecting to th...
Some players are unable to click on various parts of the neighborhood map The travel screen, when traveling between neighborhoods/worlds, can sometimes appear garbled or glitched The Simsmight crash if you are not on the default neighborhood, interact with another Sim, and then save ...
More information about loading errors can be found here:Game won't start Problem Unable to start: Cannot start because game data is missing or damaged. If you have Mods installed please remove them and try again. If not, please repair or reinstall the game via Origin. ...
TheSims 3 0x039e8474 Erroris a serious error that makes yourSims 3 program crash or freeze. The problem typically occurs when you try to play the game. This error is mainly caused by a file or setting that becomes damaged or corrupted rendering Windows unable to load or process t...
in the production $ORACLE_HOME. During the run of the deinstall script there didn’t seem to be any way around this task, I was unable to leave it blank or write in a wrong answer. So I created a bogus listener that was never going to be used for the script to remove. MORE WORK...