@olju6ijh9zvi I'm so sorry for your difficulties! I'd like to add some information below, and suggest a few things you could maybe try? I see on this post that some people are unable to interact with their infants,&/or are having intermittent issues with this. If this is your issu...
Sims 4 - Sim cannot interact with nectar mod Started byChampsdaggs 1 Replies 3069 ViewsMarch 06, 2021, 11:51:56 AM byMrsFlynn Custom Knitting Projects Started byPhoenixWytch 0 Replies 2048 ViewsFebruary 14, 2021, 06:57:32 PM byPhoenixWytch ...
Lot Traits – Some apartments have lot traits that you are unable to change. This is because some shells have objects (or pests) in them that require specific traits. The “Needs TLC” lot trait includes electric boxes and pipes that will short circuit and leak respectively. Needless to say...
different debugging strategies; updating the game (which has the newest update), repairing the game, using the resetSim cheat, doing the shift and debug on the sims, I even cleared my lot and just put a shower out to see if that would work and it still showed they were unable to ...
Babies are unable to die, and so cannot become ghosts. Toddlers are not intended to be able to die, but due to an oversight they can die if they are on a tile that is on fire for a prolonged period. Deceased toddlers will become ghosts, but there are no animations for them in this...
Some players are unable to click on various parts of the neighborhood map The travel screen, when traveling between neighborhoods/worlds, can sometimes appear garbled or glitched The Simsmight crash if you are not on the default neighborhood, interact with another Sim, and then save ...
Some players are unable to click on various parts of the neighborhood map The travel screen, when traveling between neighborhoods/worlds, can sometimes appear garbled or glitched The Simsmight crash if you are not on the default neighborhood, interact with another Sim, and then save ...
if you can get them to the top of more than one career in their lifetime, only the first one counts towards completing this challenge. This includes teenage careers. If a Sim reaches the top of a teenage career, they are unable to lift any restrictions related to a future adult career....
In the information about Butlers, it says you can choose what they cook - i'm unable to figure out how to pick the meals? I only have the 3 options "cook party meal, family meal" and the other one I can't think of. None of those let me pick what meal they're cooking. Help!
Due to the complexity of the code that underlies some of the items, Maxis was often unable to provide us with the game files needed in order to proceed on certain assets at the beginning of production. However, because Maxis had done a good job detailing the rest of the asset list...