To fix the problem, make sure your copy of The Sims 4 is completely up to date. Then, make sure you’ve installed the latest version of the UI Cheats Extension. Assuming you don’t have any other mods or extensions causing interference, the mod should work as intended....
UI Extensions Mods from my game, I have removed all my CC, I have repaired my game several times, and even removed the reshade mod. None of it has fixed the issue, I know it’s not my computer as it’s a gaming laptop that is higher standards then the Sims 4’s minimum...
I think it was the UI mod that I had! Just updated it and it looks like it's working now! I'm so happy, I thought I had completely broken the game somehow 0 + XP #4 February 2018 Options Sashas0nic ★★ Pro Aww.. So glad that helped, yes.. Weerbesu update...
I played Sims 4 with a couple of expansion packs and mods about a year ago. Never had a problem. Took some time off, recently reinstalled it. Now I can't get it to work. It never crashes during character creation (regardless of how long), but always crashes anywhere from 10 seco...
image-coordinates=0%2C0%2C128%2C128","mimeType":"image/png"},"Category:category:the-sims-4-en":{"__typename":"Category","id":"category:the-sims-4-en","entityType":"CATEGORY","displayId":"the-sims-4-en","nodeType":"category","depth":3,"title":"The Sims 4","shortTitle":...
J'ai fusionné ici tous vos messages liés à des soucis de téléchargement des extensions Sims 4 depuis hier. Tentez de chercher votre extension dans la barre de recherche de l'EA App, cliquez sur le pack correspondant et essayez de voir si le bouton Télécharger présent ici fonction...
Bonjour, j'ai un gros problème concernant le téléchargement de pack d'extensions sims 4. J'ai télécharger deux packs (ainsi que les autres que je possède)... - 7495492
Bonjour,J'ai voulu après un long moment sans jouer au Sims 4.Il m'était impossible d'ouvrir Origin et pour la 1ére fois il m'a été demandé d'installé... - 8805110
@astridou4 The .verx on the end of a save means it's one of the automatic backups the game creates. These are really the files from the last five times you saved before the most recent one. But if you delete the .verx extensions and renumber the saves (so you don't have multipl...
4 - Sélectionnez Modifier mes préférences de Connexion et sécurité. Puis vérifier laquelle des options suivantes serait appliquée sur votre profil à vous : *Soyez rapide, soyez magique: connexion automatique sans mot de passe ni code PIN requis. ...