我暂时不能理解图片,但根据文本内容我可以提供以下回答 如果在使用《模拟人生4》游戏时遇到了由UI Cheats Extension导致的问题,除了直接移除该扩展外,还有以下几种解决办法可以尝试:1. 重新安装游戏:有时候这类问题可能是由于游戏的某些文件损坏或缺失导致的。因此,你可以考虑卸载并重新下载《模拟人生4》。在重新安装之...
The Sims 4 UI Mod The Sims 4 UI extension enables you to add cheat codes via directly clicking on the UI, without typing them manually. The Sims 4 UI mod is essential for every sims player if your goal is to play the game via Cheat codes. It makes the job a lot easier. ...
UI(兼容至1.110版本): UI Cheats Extension v1.34 | Patreon 上的 weerbesu https://www.patreon.com/posts/ui-cheats-v1-16-26240068 备用链接: 链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1yFU2hW1WWQ3hYx5jVp5bfg 提取码:1E9J CAS格子(兼容至1.110版本): 和UI同作者 链接大家从UI自取 备用链接: 链接:https:...
Known Causes: UI Cheats Extension, Better BuildBuy, and other mods that change the UI Symptom: When trying to load a new world, only a white screen is shown Known Cause: T.O.O.L Mod (TwistedMexi) Symptom: X on an accessory is missing in CAS Known Cause: More Columns in CAS; update...
UI Cheats Extension –weerbesu – breaks Live mode UI Obsolete Backpack Book Fix – Kuttoe For more on what’s new with this patch (alongside obsolete bugfix mods), see the Patch Notes. HAVE A QUESTION OR ISSUE? Head to Game and Mod/CC Issues to find the 1.102 discu...
The UI Cheats extension is straightforward and fun to use. Instead of opening a command console and typing a specific command to enable a cheat in the game, the Sims 4 UI Cheats extension brings the cheats together in one place. If you want to enable a cheat, all you have to do is ...
Players who make use of the UI Cheats Extension mod by Weerbesu will have significant control over various aspects of The Sims 4.
To fix the problem, make sure your copy of The Sims 4 is completely up to date. Then, make sure you’ve installed the latest version of the UI Cheats Extension. Assuming you don’t have any other mods or extensions causing interference, the mod should work as intended....
TheUI cheats extension modmakes it easier than ever to use cheat codes. You will need to MC command center mod in order to use the UI cheats extension. After you download the mods, you’ll have the ability to access cheats through the new control panel with a couple of clicks of the ...
UI Cheats Extension (Image credit: Electronic Arts, modded by Weerbesu) Download from: Weerbesu's Patreon This handy mod by Weerbesu makes using Sims 4 cheats a breeze if you don't know the lot by heart. Right-clicking various parts of the normal Sims 4 interface will give you extra...