因此,你可以考虑卸载并重新下载《模拟人生4》。在重新安装之前,记得备份你的存档和mod文件夹以防万一。2. 更新/修复游戏补丁:《模拟人生4》的开发者会定期发布新的补丁来修复游戏中存在的问题。确保你的游戏是最新版本可能有助于解决与UI相关的cheat问题。前往origin或者steam平台找到对应的游戏库然后进行查看是否有...
大概率是ui cheat过期了,换个新版本吧,或者是nisa(这个模组bug一直很多) 赞(1) 回复 halcyondays 楼主 2022-07-27 15:48:49 广东 可能是电脑配置不太好😂 带不动 金牌宝贝 哭了giao 赞 回复 halcyondays 楼主 2022-07-27 15:49:30 广东 大概率是ui cheat过期了,换个新版本吧,或者是nisa(...
@jefferyhale Are you using the UI Cheat extension mod ? That's typically the culprit. Afaik, it's been updated. Good LuckCrin I don't work or have any association with EA. I give advice to the best of my knowledge and cannot be held responsible for any damage done to your compu...
"section.UIzFSR.title":"Forum Discussion","section.zEhglU.description":"","section.UIzFSR.description":"","section.aoempM.title":"Forum Discussion","section.mMklEX.description":"","section.TEsDrb.description":"","section.KnUPpl.description":"","section.EUAFHt.title":"Forum Discussion","...
Download ts4script file directly to Mods folder. Use "tm.togglequirks" in cheat console. DOWNLOAD Cheat Console Fix Stops the cheat console from blocking gameplay. Download the package directly to your Mods folder. DOWNLOAD Clean UI Reverts the game UI back to the minimalist white version. Dow...
Recommended:The Sims 4 Cheat Codes Ultrasound Scan by LittleMsSam: What is the most beautiful experience you have had in Sims 4? Without a single shadow of a doubt, it would be having babies. Having babies is the most significant step in the Sims 4 and everyone who plays this game goes...
KAYLA: The “bb.moveobjects on” cheat is your friend for making overly cluttered spaces inThe Sims4! You can slot a surprising amount of clutter onto the shelf and desk in this Kit without cheats, but if you really want to step it up, you can turn that cheat on to add even more. ...
(金錢相關) Get 1,000 Simoleons kaching rosebud Get 50,000 Simoleons motherlode Change funds from household to exact number Money 9999999 All lots are free when you enter this cheat when in neigh 分享912 模拟人生吧 ltblue 【M4攻略】模拟人生4全抱负、技能及其他心得(2017年10月)现在网上能搜索到...
I can at least cheat the infant’s needs if I need to with UI cheats. Newborns, I just have to hope the incompetent nanny doesn’t get my baby taken away… Reply 1 + XP Prev 1 2 3 4 5 6 Next New topic Join the conversation English English ✔ DEUTSCH Espa...
This is most often caused by an outdated version of the UI Cheats mod. If you have these symptoms, please remove UI Cheats and test. If the problem is gone, you can install an updated version (please test to make sure it works) or play without it. ...