2、贴吧:https://tieba.baidu.com/f?kw=%E6%A8%A1%E6%8B%9F%E4%BA%BA%E7%94%9F&fr=index 2、3DM:https://bbs.3dmgame.com/forum-1330-1.html 二、个人CC作者推荐(纯个人意见) TSR系列:(无FQ) 1、作者Bobur:https://www.thesimsresource.com/artists/Bobur2/ 2、作者S-Club:https://www.th...
With the new Sims 4 Expansion Pack, many Simmers wonder, “Is the Sims 4 Businesses and Hobbies Expansion Pack for me?” The Sims 4 has been around for a long time, and there is a lot of DLC, so purchasing expansion...See More ...
simblr aka sims tumblrWritten May 06, 2013 hey guys! just letting you know that I created a simblr today to post random stuff there including creations that aren't posted here on my TSR page :) aprilsimbling.tumblr.com + follow! xoxo ...MoreMy...
The best cc for Sims 4, Sims 3, Sims 2 and 1. Download now hairstyles, clothes, shoes, accessories and much more.
I do not take any credit for these careers. If Asiashamecca updates their career posts on ModTheSims or TSR, I will delete mine and link to them instead. Original Mod can be found at Asiashamecca's TSR:HERE. ︎
Uninstall everything (uninstalling just moves it from the game to the DOWNLOADS tab) Find the folderDocuments/Electronic Arts/The Sims 4/Mods/TSRLibraryand delete any contents left inside Carefully move all loose mods fromDocuments/Electronic Arts/The Sims 4/Mods/(including from any sub folders)...
The TSR Custom Content Manager If all this sounds like too much hassle, we also offer aCustom Content Managerfor ourVIPmembers. The CC Manager: downloads AND installs all your content for you without you having to worry about what is placed where ...
Every single Sims 4 Clothing CC has its own purpose, so we recommend taking a look at the specifics first. This will also help you to decide, if the sample is right for you or not. But don’t spend too much thinking because all Sims 4 Clothes CC free files costless. This means ...
[cosimetic]Eyeshadow-N24-TSR [cosimetic]LipLiner-No1-TSR [IMF]harlyn_blushN39 [Magic Hand] Marley Lipstick N97 [MagicHand] Eyebrows N83 ANGISSI-Eyeliner-Scarlett Babyetears_fBody_In_The_Beach_Dress JH [COSMETICS] LENSES #30 mermalade_S179 MsBlue_SkintoneSetV2 Nosemask 04 Overlay by Kat...
TSR says it has over 1 million creations available for download. The content includes furniture, walls, shoes, clothes, hairstyles, makeup, pets, Sims, and other objects. There are also mods available for download. You can download Sims 4 content, such as sweaters, dresses, houses and other...