traits. If you want to remove Traits use: traits.remove_trait {TraitNameNoSpaces} The Sims 4 Reward Trait Cheats (The Sims 4 Outdoor Retreat) Use the Cheat Console by pressingCTRL+SHIFT+C.Input the cheat codetestingcheats true. The Sims 4 Reward Trait Cheats (The Sims 4 Get to Work) ...
The Sims 4 秘籍大全 主秘籍: (同时按住ctrl+shift+c打开/关闭秘籍输入框 秘籍输入完成后按回车启动) testingcheats true(输入任何秘籍都要先输入主秘籍) 人物 cas.fulleditmode修改人物基因(按shitf点击人物修改) resetSim [名] [姓]重置模拟市民 headlineeffects [on\off]隐藏或显示市民头顶的特效(包括水晶、想...
An unofficial fan-made app All Cheats for Sims 4! • Money Cheats • Build Cheats • Skill Cheats • Career Cheats • Need Cheats • Death Cheats • Relationship Cheats • Point Cheats • Trait Cheats • And more DLC Cheats ...
Our Random Trait Generator may seem confusing at first, but worry not, these instructions will help you. First off, the generator will assign traits depending on the age of the heir/spare your generating for. To roll a trait and aspiration for a child, please do the following: Input the ...
With that in mind, did you use debug cheats or a Mod to add any of these traits? If so, removing these could be something to test. My friend also pointed out that if you added traits via a Mod, removing the Mod to test may or may not remove the trait(s) from the Sim that was...
SIMS 4 CITY LIVING UPDATES If you haveThe Sims 4 City Livingand marry in a spouse with the “City Native” aspiration, you may use theRandom Trait Generatorto get them a new aspiration (ignore whatever traits it gives you, you are only changing the aspiration). ...
Vampire Trait Cheats Vampire Death Cheats Unlock Vampire Powers This cheat can be used two ways. You can do “bucks.unlock_perk {perkname} true” but it will not show up properly in your powers panel. The correct way requires you to use the full command, including getting your Sim’s ID...
#4 January 2023 Options crinrict Hero @RipRizzle The third trait issue has a thread here: for posting the LE Good LuckCrin I don't work or have any ass...
The Sims 4 / NSFW 104.14 kB Horny (Nympho Trait) 1.0.1 NSFW 18 May 2022 1 3 700 0 This trait gives your sim a permanently +2 Flirty buff. This broadcaster has several exeptions. In the list below you can see which sims won't get a flirty buff if next to a horny sim. The...
Note: Sims who have the “Professional Slacker” trait are exempt from this restriction Completion Haven risen through the ranks of the business world, your Sim declares that the practice of mistreating workers must end. Your sim’s company has enough business and legal connections to other busine...