Here is a dump of male defaults. At the bottom after the new defaults is an update of a few past defaults. They mostly concern the color of some past hairs that I realized were annoying me – mainly black colors being too blue among other random issues. So check that out below if tha...
Adopting a Baby, Toddler, or Child In The Sims 4, babies can be produced usingTry For Babyor using the computer toadopt. (ChooseHousehold, then Adopt). Adoption costs $1,000 and the player gets to choose between a baby, toddler, and a child. You also get to pick the one you wish ...
Stuff Packs: Cool kitchen stuff, spooky stuff, movie hangout stuff, romantic garden stuff, kids room stuff, bowling night stuff, fitness stuff, toddler stuff, laundry day stuff, tiny living stuff. I don't use custom content. DxDiag: attachedCritical events: crashes are listed as critical ...
Once your infant has turned into a toddler, you can go ahead and choose for your toddler to spend lots of time with the doll, so they start building a relationship. You can change the gender of the doll by selecting it and choosing to “Give new name > Give Boy/Girl’s name”. Thi...
All of this actually shapes the adult they will turn out to be and parenting starts as soon as they are a toddler. You have several options under parenting that include disciplines that are soft, firm and strict. You can enforce curfew, although the teen now has the option on the phone ...