I am trying to play for 3 days but my game is stuck on the loading screen. This happens after I click on Resume game. I manage to load the world I was playing in, but when I choose my household it starts to load endlessly. I use a Mac and I tried every troubleshoot I found ...
this is the save i wanna play on that doesnt work \Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\saves\Slot_0000001a.save Reply 0 + XP #49 August Options puzzlezaddict Hero @eken09 The save file is certainly large enough to be intact. I couldn't load your mai...
Using LMS’s Roommate Service on your Sim’s phone, you can select from a variety of roommates who will help pay the household’s bills. Here’s a link if you’re interested. Small Mods Package LMS is an awesome modder and has a huge selection of 100+ mods for you to choose from,...
Hopefully a non-playable Sim on the lot doesn’t count against the 8 Sim household limit the game has built in. So, would it be ok to keep a couple ghost Sims from the bloodline on the lot as long as I don’t make them playable or feed them ambrosia? Pinstar Legacy October 4, ...
4. Play on normal lifespans. 5. You must follow all career-specific restrictions until a Sim reaches the top of that career, at which point the actions and objects previously forbidden by the restriction are now allowed for all sims in the household. ...
You can choose to let all the Simsaging(Sims 3-like), or to let aging only your active household (Sims 2-like), or to not age anyone (Sims 1-like). From what I've seen on Tumblr but not experimented,pregnancies are more realistic, your Sim will gain weight after having given birth...
Infant, Toddler, Child Sims taken by Social Workers go to Household Menu in Manage Worlds, rather than being deleted. Added a new bonfire object called the Fieldstone Bonfire Pit to Base Game. There is an option on Gravestones/Urns to manually swap to the other one whether you are indoors ...
I'm now working on my site forThe Sims 4andrecently Launched a Youtube Channel for The Sims. I've done some recent speed improvements to this site. It's some of my best work and I don't want ads or a bad server to slow that down. ...
Infant, Toddler, Child Sims taken by Social Workers go to Household Menu in Manage Worlds, rather than being deleted. Added a new bonfire object called the Fieldstone Bonfire Pit to Base Game. There is an option on Gravestones/Urns to manually swap to the other one whether you are indoors ...
I'm now working on my site forThe Sims 4andrecently Launched a Youtube Channel for The Sims. I've done some recent speed improvements to this site. It's some of my best work and I don't want ads or a bad server to slow that down. ...