▶ MY SOCIAL MEDIA Follow me onTwitter,Tumblr,Tiktok,YouTube,Pinterest,InstagramorThreads. ▶ WANNA SUPPORT ME? Please considerbecoming a patronif you enjoy my cc, your support will allow me to continue making amazing stuff for your Sims. 😊 ...
A Guide to the Social Media Career in The Sims 4 City Living, with info on both the Internet Personality and Public Relations branches.
How to enable Sims 4 cheats More Sims series Sims 3 cheats: Classic hacksSims 4 mods: Play your waySims 4 CC: Custom contentSims 5: What we knowSims 4 building tips: RenovateSims 4 challenges: New rules To use Sims 4 cheats, press Ctrl + Shift + C to open the cheat console. Type...
SocialMedia Activist Entertainer TechGuru Astronaut Criminal Culinary Painter SecretAgent Writer Business Athletic Detective Doctor Scientist Military Actor Conservationist 特殊格式 careers.promote Adult_Gardener 园丁 careers.promote careers_Adult_Critic 评论家 careers.promote careers_Adult_Education 教育 careers.p...
They’ll earn extra social media followers too! Intellectual If your Sim wants to have a brilliant mind, then this trait is for them. It will allow them to earn extra money by reading books, and they’ll also be able to develop their logic skill faster than other Sims. Jeremy Sims 4 ...
The Sims 4 reports from social media @pterodactyl333@hunbothered @myseasonreason I got side tracked building swamps and castles in the sims. Plus beading is an expensive hobby and I have magpie issues? 2025-01-23 02:58:37 @Rixxine_dniSo my wicked whims stopped working bc I deleted a v...
The fifteenth expansion pack for The Sims 4, The Sims 4: For Rent, has been announced for a December 7, 2023 release. The pack features improved apartments in the form of residential rentals, as well as the ability to become a property owner, new social activities, five new traits, kids...
It’s Confirmed: Burglars Are Coming to The Sims 4 The Sims 25Benji-February 24, 2025 0 After weeks of speculation, EA has finally confirmed on The Sims social media channels that the surprise game update scheduled for tomorrow, February 25th,... ...
Currently, sims can plan and host social events with the people that they know. However, I think it would be cool if they could also host community events. Maybe they can put up posters, post on social media etc. to get the word out, and townies can show...
Die Sims 4 Allgemeine Diskussionen Nimm Teil an lebhaften Diskussionen, teile deine Tipps und tausche Erfahrungen zu Die Sims 4-Erweiterungspacks, Gameplay-Packs, Accessoires-Packs und Sets aus. Die Sims 4 Mods & CC Diskussionen Finde Expertentipps, Ratschläge zur Fehlerbehebung, Tutorials für...