再shitf点击人物 直接进修改界面就能修改所有人物基因数据了 注意cas.fulleditmode 后面不要加true (论坛里秘籍那里写的是错的) 3、抱负奖励 没必要用GM之类的修改,游戏自带的秘籍就行 aspirations.complete_current_milestone 马上完成抱负,然后把所有抱负都刷一遍 一共能有10w+的点数足够你买光所有特征和药水 4、...
The Sims 4 Cheat Codes While playing the game, press L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 to display the console window. Then, enter of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function. Note: Some of these codes first require the ” testingcheats true ” code to be enabled. Additionally...
Meeting Social Event goals becomes easier. Free Penny Pixies Sims often find loose change around the place. Free Quake Zone Occassionally there's a minor tremor here. Probably nothing to worry about. Free Romantic Aura Makes it easier to succeed with romantic interactions and become flirty. ...
Pride Party Event – Feb. 7 Short School Hours For Children – Feb. 4 Short School Hours For Teenager – Feb. 4 Sketchpad No Fees – Feb. 4 Smile Override – Feb. 6 Social Events - Unlimited Time –Feb. 7 –note:this is NOT a script mod NeedCoffee4That (NC4T) –...
Your Sim can use the phone to plan a social event. From there, select the Mountain Excursion event. This is, sadly, required in order to climb Mt. Komorebi so it is not possible to do it solo without cheating (by dragging someone who you teleport along). Once the event is thrown, ...
#the sims 4 #ts4 #sims 4 #expansion packs #hobbies & Businesses #Youtube It’s Confirmed: Burglars Are Coming to The Sims 4 After weeks of speculation, EA has finally confirmed on The Sims social media channels that the surprise game update scheduled for tomorrow, February 25th, will brin...
Game UpdatesBenji-February 4, 2025 1 The Sims and The Sims 2 have just received their first patches since they were re-released last Friday, January 31st. Both updates bring bug fixes... “Blast From the Past” Login Event Begins on The Sims 4 ...
Use your Sim's phone and select the Mountain Excursion social event. Your Sim will be the leader, and youmustselect at least one other Sim in order to do this. It's more than a little annoying you cannot simply go to the top by yourself but this is treated more as a mini game rat...
University Life includes the brand new Social Group feature. Similar to building skills, Sims can gain influence in each of the three social groups:Jocks, Nerds, and Rebels. As Sims level up in social groups, they unlock new features & interactions. ...