The Sims 4 Skills Sims learn Skills to help them with their day-to-day lives, as well as their careers. While it's difficult for Sims to learn all the Skills in the game before they die, it's not impossible, although most Sims will not need to do so. If time is an issue, you...
Get the latest news on the Sims 4, along with a Guide for PC, Mac and Console with information on Skills, Careers, Cheats, and an info-sharing Forum Community.
Like all skills in The Sims 4, leveling up unlocks new interactions for your Sims. Level 1: This is the base level that lets you buy all Starter Seed Packets and perform basic plant interactions. Level 2: Your Sim can now research gardening on the computer, which will help them gain mor...
Whether you’re getting started or becoming an expert, this how-to guide for The Sims 4 has everything you need to know.
注意!最好在春天前往花岗岩瀑布,因为抱负所需的植物只会在那时结果(他们都在夏天结果,但有一些只在秋天/春天结果)。这是植物列表的链接,以防万一:** 需魔法! 注意!!在来到此世界时,别忘了把必需品放在随身背包里。
*The Sims 4 add-ons require The Sims 4 (available separately) and all game updates. Werewolves Game Pack Howl the night away in The Sims™ 4 Werewolves Game Pack*! Explore the world of Moonwood Mill, where your Sims will transform, unlock new skills, manage new temperaments and maybe ...
Howl the night away in The Sims™ 4 Werewolves Game Pack*! Explore the world of Moonwood Mill, where your Sims will transform, unlock new skills, manage new temperaments and maybe even meet their fated mates. Dream Home Decorator Game Pack Turn your client’s fantasy into reality in The...
Option 2 – I want my players to be engaged within the role and the game, but also to engage their critical skills in making their decisions. For example, when presented with a boat on fire, I want them to still be questioning both their own decisions and the scenario (where did this...
build romantic and friendly relationships in a speed that is way faster than the Sims that are celibate. As the Sims characters progress higher in the scale for Woohoo skills, they can acquire a higher boost to their relationship. They might not bag penalties for the bad woohoo involvements ...
This guide explores the expansion’s key features, including the new world of Evergreen Harbor, the Eco Footprint system, Neighborhood Action Plans, new careers, skills, and additional gameplay elements. New World: Evergreen Harbor… The Sims 4: Get Famous Expansion Pack – A Comprehensive ...