· 模组作者:Simmythesim · 原址链接:https://modthesims.info/download.php?t=553355 · 下载链接:https://cowtransfer.com/s/dbcefd5e0bc147(口令h1lz4p) (十)Pose PlayerandTeleport Any Sim/动作盒子播放器和传送器丨MOD · 让小人完成指定的动作,方便进行拍照、制作模拟人生剧场…… · 模组作者:Andrew...
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4、技能点数 不建议使用那个多功能补丁,用完了会有人物动作无法停止的bug 直接用秘籍把技能全部设置成10级就可以 stats.set_skill_level Major_Fishing 10 钓鱼 stats.set_skill_level Major_Mischief 10 恶作剧 stats.set_skill_level Major_Guitar 10 吉他 ...
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Advanced Birth Certificate 23.10.2024 Get to Work Download Download This small Mod changes a few things regarding the Brith Certificate which got added with Get to Work: When sending your Sim to the Hospital to have a Baby (Rabbithole) they’ll get a Certifcate as well, Certificates can be...
While Sims love to ignore us, if they’re walking up walls or have been eating dinner for 24 hours, that may be a clue the Game Mod is causing an issue. Common The Sims 4 Mod error codes Some error codes that appear in-game are directly related to Mods. Here’s more info about...
While Sims love to ignore us, if they’re walking up walls or have been eating dinner for 24 hours, that may be a clue the Game Mod is causing an issue. Common The Sims 4 Mod error codes Some error codes that appear in-game are directly related to Mods. Here’s more info about...
Sexuality Mod. In the world of Sims, all characters are technically bisexuals. They often prefer to flirt with the same sex that they have already been involved in romantic relations. If you want to change that, add strict instructions on sexual preferences of your Sim with this mod. Careers...