3、抱负奖励 没必要用GM之类的修改,游戏自带的秘籍就行 aspirations.complete_current_milestone 马上完成抱负,然后把所有抱负都刷一遍 一共能有10w+的点数足够你买光所有特征和药水 4、技能点数 不建议使用那个多功能补丁,用完了会有人物动作无法停止的bug 直接用秘籍把技能全部设置成10级就可以 stats.set_skill_lev...
School CheatsRaise a Sim's grades with careers.promote gradeschool or careers.promote highschool. You can lower them as well with careers.demote gradeschool/highschool.Skill CheatsStats.Set_Skill_Level is the skill cheat. You must put a skill and level in the code. As an example, type ...
To reach a grade of A, the child must Get 1 Skill to Level 4. Once the kid has an 'A', it's fairly easy to maintain. It's possible for grades to fall if the minimum amount of work is not done, which is to go to school every day and complete homework. A parent can help wi...
Using the boolprop TestingCheatsEnabled true cheat in The Sims 2, a Sim can be turned into a young adult with the option Set Age To Young Adult. The Sim will now look like a young adult, and get to do the things they do, but their next life stage would be an Elder. If FreeTime...
7School & Career Cheats There are several cheats that ambitious players can use to enhance their Sim's school and career experience. For children and teenagers, right-click on the school bus icon in the simology panel to promote or demote Sims' grade levels. High schoolers caneasily pass th...
loot_Career_Buff_GradeSchool.xml loot_Career_Buff_HighSchool.xml StaticCommodity_Study_Homework.xml In Inventory Addon: loot_Homework.xml Better Butler (and Hire more Butler) 23.10.2024 Vintage Glamour Download Download Adjusts the Behaviour of Butler a bit and let’s you hire more Butler Read...
that Sim may never re-take their old job. Elder Sims may not retire. Sims cannot ‘play hookey’. These restrictions do not apply to the grade school or high school “careers” but DO apply to any after-school teenage careers taken. While at work, you must choose either work normally ...
They go to college on the last day of school, but when they come back they didn't do their finals. They will get a low grade and fail their semester. What do you expect to see? I espect to see my sims pass their finals, by going to college and actually doing their finals. Have...
Below, we have arranged the best Basemental Drugs cheats in the Sims 4. Cheat#1: Log Sim Info in a Log File This is typically only necessary if a support team member requests it on the Discord server. The active qualities, benefits, connections, and other information may be recorded in a...
Careers.promote Gradeschool OR Careers.promote Highschool Raise a Child's Grade Performance resetsim (sims first name) (sims lastname) Reset your sim. Ex. resetsim Bob Smith setage [Age Wanted] Set Sim Age to Adult Note: Exercise caution with this. relationships.create_friends_for_sim Spawn...