✦ Reshade下载链接(自己替换版本号) https://reshade.me/downloads/ReShade_Setup_X.X.X.exe ✦ 滤镜下载:BV1xT4y1r75c ✦ 视频中提到的尬聊群:807123617 ♡ ♡ ♡ ✦ 小红书:Sims阿咪✦ Youtube:[准备中] ♡ ♡ ♡ ●我的录屏软件 obs studio ●我的剪辑软件 Davinci Resolve +...
🔍 找到了三宫六院版的reshade,一键安装超简单!🎉 🎮 游戏内无法召唤reshade面板?试试锁小键盘后按7(home)键,轻松打开!🌟 🌸 超爱【RENE7770】柔粉SoftPink滤镜,虽然有点光污染,但画面效果超赞!💖 💡 听说reshade会让游戏变卡?但我的体验还好,只在cas页面有点卡顿。🤔 ...
Coco Dreams 2.0 Reshade August 28, 2024 Custom Content undeerwear valentines SENTATE – The Darling Collection Reere Outfit ROSALINE HAIR Faye Hairstyle + Bows Accessories Natty Kiss of Life hair set + sim Cheats The Sims 4 Dream Home Decorator Cheats ...
my game crashes during the loading screen, i don't have any mods, cc, reshades or anything extra in my game. DxDiag.simscrashing.txt 8 people had this problem. Reply 0 + XP Me too #2 Last Hero Post May Options puzzlezaddict Hero @Jjcrudup Thanks for providing a dxdiag....
Since the game works with a clean folder in place, that means the problem was something in your old folder. Reshade sits in the game's program files, so that's not going to be the cause unless you removed the Sims 4 folder that contains program files instead of the one with saves an...
Reshade [16] Tools and Utilities [16] Left 4 Dead 2 [21] NSFW [3] Survivors [7] Zombies [2] Maps [6] Weapons [3] Items [0] Sounds [0] Scripts [1] UI/Interface [1] Anime [1] Misc [0] Models [2] Textures [1] Monster Hunter: World [28] NSFW ...
Reshade安装教程 解决空白页面丨自制滤镜分享丨常用滤镜推荐丨模拟人生4 居里个居 01:02 模拟人生4美化世界打光模组分享|提高你的游戏质感| 下载教程+安装+游戏内效果 sim白开水 04:14 模拟人生4模组分享 让你的小人变的更加智能的MOD推荐 不沉迷电脑 自主写作业 自主修理 收垃圾 自主照顾 更少的需求 ...
【模拟人生4】自汉化私人助理1.4.1适配1.108怦然心动dlc必备游戏mod剧情模组Plumlace Personal Assistant v1.4.1 1.2万播放 【模拟人生4】Reshade滤镜5.5.2保姆级教程,解决你的界面空白! 4.3万播放 为什么我们的游戏看起来不一样 | Reshade安装教程 | 模拟人生4滤镜安装 28.3万播放 🌈拥有这三个Mods,没有Reshade...
出处:https://reshade.me/ 此游戏滤镜广泛应用于GTA系列、上古卷轴系列等等大型3D游戏,在广大模拟人生玩家的摸索尝试中,也逐渐成为了这个游戏上面重要的补充之一。通过它,可以让游戏不需要额外使用高清材质补丁就可以呈现类似的效果,还能通过调节参数 +17 4310 模拟人生吧 ranhou0301 求助模拟人生4各种mod区别是什么啊...
there are a few visual elements that make it a bit harder for in-game screenshots. But fortunately, you can replace that Create a Sim Background and even get rid of the dreaded blue lighting all with mods. If you want to get really crazy you can even go down theReshaderoute and total...