If your Sim wants to live solely on the Internet Personality career, they will need to take Sponsors, which will always lose followers. Internet Personality Branch Title §/Per Hour Daily Schedule Daily Earnings Daily Task & Promotion Requirement Rewards Simstagram Searcher (Level 4) §35 Mon...
However, once a Sim reaches the top of a career branch, the restrictions related to that career branch are lifted. You no longer have to obey them. Even if that Sim quits their job, the act of reaching the top level of a career will permanently lift that career branch’s restrictions. ...
While the founder starts off on an empty grass lot with pocket change to their name, a Legacy Family is expected to grow in wealth as more and more Sims succeed in life and bring in riches for the family to share and pass along to future generations. With the addition ofThe Sims 4 Ge...
Have you tried to fix the game at Origin? Go to the TS4 game folder -Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sim4. Find in The Sims 4 folder localthumbcache.package file and delete it. (The game will create it again but without saved errors) Next, fix the game Origin / Library-right clic...
[OPEN] Trends from the Trendsetter careers branch won't turn off - I don't know if this is related but I have a Sim in the trendsetter career in a save. The Sims will wear the trends to parties instead of the party outfits. There is no way to stop this from happening. [FEEDBACK...
But with a few different styles of paintings that unlock as you progress through the Painting skill in The Sims 4, each bringing in a different number of Simoleons regardless of their size, it helps to know which of the paintings are worth it. ...
RELATED:Sims 4: Tiny Living Challenges Explained In terms of building itself "bb.enablefreebuild" will unlock lots such asStrangerville'sscience lab or the active career locations. You can also use several cheats to help build. The most commonly used cheat is MOO and allows you to type "bb...
5,careerupgrading Pleasenote,sofar,theoccupationbranchcanonlychoose2, aftertheelection,evenifrelegatedtogoback,orcannot bereelected,sobecareful Choosecareeradvicewithapersonalphone,ifyouusecheats, therewillbeamulticareerbug Promotioncanusecheats,onelevelup ...
careers.demote Xalso works, causing a Sim to go back a level. You cannot use this to go back to the branch choice for a career - if you're at the first level of a branch, you'll be fired using this. If you don't know which branch you want, check out the linked Career guides...
I've mentioned this a few times in other pages and videos, but Snaggle Fluster is a great drink recipe you can learn only at level 9 of the culinary career track, and picking the Mixology branch. Only Level 9. This gives you the opportunity to buy a recipe from a mysterious old pers...