11Remove Moodlets, Wants, & Fears For some Sims, one negative moodlet could mean imminent death. Stacked playful, embarrassed, or angrymoodlets can cause emotion-based deaths, which makes having this mod come in handy. Right-click on any moodlet to remove it. Upon the release of theHigh...
Remove All Visible Traits Remove All Personality Traits Remove All Gameplay Traits Remove All Preferences Remove All Lifestyles Remove All Fears Remove All Character Values Remove All Relationships Remove All University Degrees Remove All Werewolf Temperaments Remove All Moodlets (Visible Buffs) Remove All...
Try using the traits_remove cheat instead. Like 0 Reply About The Sims 4 Mods & Custom Content Community Highlights Mod & CC Issues: START HERE luthienrising Hero+3 months ago Recent Discussions sims 4 not loading 11 minutes ago kacywadey0807 Can someone help me with a Better Exception ...
various creators or mods because of the T (for Teen) game rating, EA and EA Answers HQ rules, and the Maxis guidelines for Sims 4 content creators In the end,YOUare responsible for your mod use. Because not all content and creators are covered on this official forum, man...
Dazed moodlets can be kept or disabled. Open the download and drag "tmex-burnouttoggle.ts4script" directly to your Mods folder. DOWNLOAD SPONSORED Celebrity Quirk Toggle Enable or disable the celeb quirks system Download ts4script file directly to Mods folder. Use "tm.togglequirks" in chea...
At Level 4, Sims gain the “Give Expert Speech” option at podiums, which can give a Confident moodlet when done. These interactions can be a task needed for promotion when working from home. When your Sim reaches Level 5, you can choose between the Politician Branch or the Charity ...
Sometimes your Sims get stuck, but you can reset them with the “resetSim” command in the cheat window. How to reset stuck or unresponsive Sims in The Sims 4. How to open the cheat window You may want or need to reset your Sims if they become stuck or unresponsive. There are two wa...
Sims may not use the move objects cheat. You may not download or import any Sims from the Gallery or place any Sims into the neighborhood (other than your founder at the start of the challenge). You must use the money cheat to remove any money brought in by a spouse moving in (if ...
Fruitcake on the first bite gives a Happy+2 moodlet that lasts 4 hours. It only takes sims 4 bites to complete the serving making it a pretty fast meal to eat and fills around 3/4 of the Hunger bar. The most useful feature of Fruitcake is that it never spoils and so is one of ...
There are two major Sims 4 cheats of note for Nifty Knitting, though not enough to bother making a unique page. See myHow to Cheat Guideif you don't know how to use them. First, you can of course cheat to increase the Knitting skill usingstats.set_skill_level major_knitting 10. Addi...