Product:The Sims 4 Platform:PC Which language are you playing the game in?English How often does the bug occur?Every time (100%) What is your current game version number?Latest Update (Infants) What expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed?Expansion Packs: All Packs e...
","body@stringLength":"305","rawBody":" So basically i contacted EA to help me with the missing pre order items for cottage living the advisor said he was going to remove the DLC and Re add it. He removed the DLC but forgot to Add the DLC back onto my account and i can't ...
also some of my packs are showing as not installed when I can see their folders in the sims 4 packs, only some of my packs are showing which is very weird. You don't know it's not Mods, it very likely could be Mods as they can need updating after every patch. ...
(--lia-bs-body-color)","controllerIconHoverColor":"var(--lia-bs-body-color)","controllerTextColor":"var(--lia-nav-controller-icon-color)","controllerTextHoverColor":"var(--lia-nav-controller-icon-hover-color)","controllerHighlightColor":"hsla(30, 100%, 50%)","controllerHighlight...
Ive been onto manage game and add ons but the packs that are missing arent even ion the add ons list. When i click the expansion pack in game it takes me through as if im going to go and buy the pack. Ive got Game pass ultimate and have subscribed to EA to see if these were is...
Sims 4 Save files gone after installing new monitor. Help! My save files are gone. I don't think im getting them back but I want to know what happened? So I've been playing on my new computer but my old monitor suddenly could't keep up when sims updated. This was around end of ...