In the end,YOUare responsible for your mod use. Because not all content and creators are covered on this official forum, many of you should be following creators directly for news. The pinned topicHow to Use Mods and CCincludes advice about game updates, mod management, findi...
patch compatibility (although I’m now posting “cleared” for fewer creators/mods, I track it for support), mod adoption, and other news. My DMs are also open for creators here and on Tumblr (luthsthings). I can be reached on Discord from many Sims 4 creators' and ...
of custom freckles out there. There are two types of custom content in The Sims 4 game: alpha CC and maxis. I like how the smattering reaches all the way to the forehead its cute! This is great because it adds so much detail to your sims body and makes them look more unique than a...
Nearly all the Moodlets listed here last 4 hours, so it's hard to have the Ideal Mood through an entire work shift. I miss the 8 hour buffs ofthe Sims 3, but it does help Sims seem more realistic in the ups and downs of their moods. ...
After seeing the actual plans they have to follow to make the Sims this realistic in their interactions I totally get it. We all voiced they should be more transparent and explain to you all as they did to us. Once you look at the animation bit you “get it” so much better. The ...
Realistic Reactions – Simmiller – tuning errors Relationship & Telemetry Hook Error Fix – UCFSIFBA – LeRoiDeTout – obsolete Restaurant Additional Staff – c821118 – no restaurant staff Retro Sewing Machine Mod – Ozzy & Mariam – causes LEs riv_rel – riv – no longer ...
MSQ Sims – Realistic Trees No Fade – Jan. 12, The Sims Resource;updated for 1.103 Simularity – Hailee’s Tat SetandFloril Tattoos – Feb. 22, own site WightSpider07 [WS] – No Lashes Default – v02.24, Feb. 16, CF Cleared by Creator for This Patch ...
Simandy – Luz Eyes –updated byghostwitchs-cc –for Aliens; on Tumblr and Mod the Sims trillyke – Cherish Beret –moodlet removed creator not known; causes broken faces SkinsMerged4HQ and SkinsMerged4–creator not known; cause broken faces due to including broken Cien f...