Doing homework After enrolling into university, your Sim will get a homework book that they'll stash in their inventory. This little book is a key item to getting high grades. Your Sim will be set homework to be handed in to every class session your Sim attends. This includes homework set...
So I need to make a table that shows all that information along with ingredients for players to have a nice quick reference on everything. One final thing. I learned that different curses come from different activities. Look for a curses guide in the next 48h, where I’ll share exactly...
Rebellious (Temporary Trait)– Growing up means rebelling against the old fuddy duddy’s rules. This Sim will argue with their parents more often, swear, and procrastinate when doing homework. (From having a Childhood Phase – Children & Teens) Mean Streak (Temporary Trait)– It is time to ...
So I need to make a table that shows all that information along with ingredients for players to have a nice quick reference on everything. One final thing. I learned that different curses come from different activities. Look for a curses guide in the next 48h, where I’ll share exactly ...
The Random Trait Generators have been updated for The Sims 4 Get Famous. Primary Parent Trait 1: Trait 2: Trait 3: Secondary Parent Trait 1: Trait 2: Trait 3: Child Traits Provide any child traits that were previously generated Generate ChildClear...
Focused does not provide much in the way of new interactions, but social interactions aren’t really the domain of focused. It is about the skills. Focused boosts the speed at which children and teens do their homework and getting help from their parents will give them a focused moodlet. ...
Main Mod Auto Homework: loot_Career_Buff_GradeSchool.xml loot_Career_Buff_HighSchool.xml StaticCommodity_Study_Homework.xml In Inventory Addon: loot_Homework.xml Better Butler (and Hire more Butler) 23.10.2024 Vintage Glamour Download Download Adjusts the Behaviour of Butler a bit and let’s yo...
Other Mods - Homework Tweaks (Faster Homework) (orig. by Scarlet) – Mar. 17 Other Mods - Immortality Potion Tweaks (orig. by Scarlet) – Apr. 7 Other Mods - Online Utilities System (orig. by Itsmysimsmod) – Feb. 29 Other Mods - Tea for Children (orig. by plastic...
May not use the “Quick Meal” option on a fridge or cooler. May not order chips from a bar. May not order pizza. Completion After rebuilding a local pizzeria from the ashes of one that had collapsed, the global pizza chain “Little Napoleans” sees a viable market for their product. ...
as with Children doing homework. With some interactions, like reading a book on the toilet or talking on the phone, the order of interactions matter. If something can be carried, like a book or drink, you do that first. They can't get their tablet while on the toilet unless they brough...