Why does my cell phone have an X through it in Sims 4..??","kudosSumWeight":0,"postTime":"2024-06-15T20:20:27.069+01:00","images":{"__typename":"AssociatedImageConnection","edges":[],"totalCount":0,"pageInfo":{"__typename":"PageInfo","hasNextPage":false,"endCursor":null,...
Sims 4 glitch So I open my sims game and I don’t see the notebook, calendar, or the phone icons. I also cannot see the career, skills, relationships, inventory, or the simology icon. Also whenever I exit build mode, none of the things on the screen are there. All I see is a...
Heart or music icons will indicate where the sound is coming from. Sims will obtain negative moodlets for noisy neighbors and will be able to either use the “Pound on Door” or “Knock Politely” interactions on their doors. Once your Sims’ neighbor comes out, you can interact with them...
New icons have been created for Study and Dining Room in Objects by Room. Live Mode: Expanding on Existing Features Club activities from more packs For players who ownGet Together, exciting new club activities await! We’ve added a bunch of new activities from other packs allowing your Sims ...
Actions can be canceled by clicking their icons. Sims will immediately try to cancel them when you give the order, but they may have to finish their animation cycle first. They also will not wait for the action to be completed if possible, which may lead to problems. If we tell Christine...
To initiate a volunteer event, select thecell phone > Travel > Volunteer. From there, a Sim will be able to perform the volunteer activities alone, or along with other Sims. During the time Sims volunteer, they will be dealt “Chance Card” opportunity pop-ups that allow them to increase...
Back icons created by Freepik – Flaticon Forward icons created by Freepik – Flaticon Refresh / Switch icon by Freepik – bqlqn About ~currently modding & mod support is my main work; your support ensures that I can continue~ Hello, I am Lumpinou! I make Sims 4 mods to enhance you...
I also fixed the messed up Thumbnails/Icons for DX11 Users.28.02.2024 - Fixed wrong Group IDs after Patch 1.105.29712.04.2023 - Added Support for Children. Changed Look of Picker Dialog. Added Pie Menu, with "Choose your Helmet", "No Helmet", and "Default Random Helmet". Added NPCs ...
Clicking any of the need icons while on that interface will bring you the option to auto-solve that Need using surrounding objects. This is good for managing a larger family, but most players would be better off choosing what their Sim will do, in order to use their time efficiently....
These can be viewed any time by clicking on them and will remain open until you close them. If you wish to keep the motives tab open and keep a closer eye on how your Sim is, then you can. If you choose to keep these minimised, the icons act as a visual indicator and change colo...