Solved: Okay so, I've been playing TS4 for years and along the way I've downloaded CC. My problem is that .package files are not showing up in the
I just uninstalled sims 2 and now I'm trying to download the "stirring the pot" mod by QMBiBi, other files are downloading normally but this mod downloads as a sims2.package file. How can I change these to regular Sims 4 packages? Thanks. ...
is an open-sourcevideo gamecoding editortoolforThe Sims 4game thatlets you fiddle with the package files of the gameand its various expansion packs. This tool is mostly used by modders to fix some bugs and glitches and to make their mods compatible with the game. Look Closer Into The Neig...
Package files are placed directly into yourMODSfolder: Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 4/Mods If you prefer, you can organise your downloads into folders in your Mods folder. This is perfectly safe provided you have the fileresource.cfgin your Mods folder which instructs The Sims on how m...
Repository files navigation README MIT license pkg-viewer-web This website is for viewing Sims 4 package files and scanning them for issues. There is also a tuning generator, but this tool has reached end-of-support. TODO: Feature listAbout...
点击图片,simfiles下载,记得爱心❥(^_-)点赞 下载完毕,将package文件放入Mods文件夹就可以使用,很方便呢~~~ RECOM2:ICON图标 作者从游戏里扒出来的,原汁原味的SIMS图标,设计、视频制作、贴纸必备哦~ 以“大学生活”为例,ICON包内容: 很丰富的素材!
If you are upgrading the existing mod in the MC Command center settings, it is better that you delete the existing MCCC TS4script as well as Package files before downloading the latest version and extracting the same into the mod folder. ...
3. If you download a gameplay mod, you may get a single .package file, or you may get a .zip. A gameplay mod zip may contain .package files, or things like a .ts4script file. These files need to be extracted from the .zip and placed into the Mods folder, as with normal CC. ...
1、找到模拟人生4游戏的安装文件夹,通常在C:\Program Files (x86)\The Sims 4\Game\ 如图所示,这...
This update also introduces the ability for editing object meshes with geo-states. Additionally, it comes with menu options that allow the users to un-merge the package files. Also added to the platform is the tool for Color Palette. This tool allows the user to save colors as well as col...