· 模组作者:Weerbesu · 原址链接:https://modthesims.info/download.php?t=553355 · 下载链接:https://www.sglynp.com/t84894 (九)Less or No Spoiling/食物永不腐坏丨MOD · 为玩家提供食物永不腐坏/减少腐坏的体验。 作者已退圈所以没有继续更新,但1.93目前还能用。 · 模组作者:Simmythesim · 原...
traits. If you want to remove Traits use: traits.remove_trait {TraitNameNoSpaces} The Sims 4 Reward Trait Cheats (The Sims 4 Outdoor Retreat) Use the Cheat Console by pressingCTRL+SHIFT+C.Input the cheat codetestingcheats true. The Sims 4 Reward Trait Cheats (The Sims 4 Get to Work) ...
That part is really spoiling the fun. Also I have changed the butlers traits in CAS to all positives, but in the game it still shows the old ones! EA sure needs to patch the pack! Too many bugs if you ask me. Not to mention all the still exsisting bugs since CL. 8 years ago ...
I am writing them into the challenge (along with other ways to honor your ancestors ). The moment they make their return via official patch or mod, they will be brought back into the challenge in full force. If you are a modder and you make a mod to put this functionality...
I turned aging off just so I could play around and explore the game without any concerns about aging and death spoiling the fun, so it’s not really a legacy game in the strictest definition, but now I’m sort of interested in finding out if this next generation will also have triplets...
and sell us stuff back as DLC’. NO. The work they did to expand and improve the painting system is clear and the benefit is tangible. I’m no less excited to play the Sims 4 the day it releases because of this, I’m just going to keep my eyes peeled for a portrait patch/mod....