, Painting is a skill all its own, and not only that, it’s one of the more lucrative in the game. Though there’s the startup cost of buying canvases, the most musing of Sims can create masterpieces in no time. But with a few different styles of paintings that unlock as you prog...
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These cheats can makeThe Sims 4more fun and ridiculous than it already is, but make sure to give the game a try without them, too. There are a ton of things to do, and earning money and skills as part of the typical gameplay makes you appreciate them more. About the Author:Brittany ...
♦Bonfire Party(Requires Level 4 Jock Skill)– Bonfires will keep your Sims toasty warm and well entertained. While enjoying some quality time around the fire, Sims have a number of interactions available to them. More information on bonfires can be found in the “Interactive Objects” section...
Level 4 Music or Level 4 Comedy, Level 4 Painting, Level Up Writing Skill §649 Bonus, True Performer’s Performance Space Object, Snub Art Chief Critic (Level 8) §182 Sun, Tues, Wed, Fri, Sat (12pm-5pm) §910 Level 7 Writing §908 Bonus, Yes, It’s Art Object, Critically Conne...
Whether you want more money or skills, or simply want to potty train your virtual toddler, these cheats in The Sims 4 will help you live your best life. Check out the full list below!The Sims 4 Interaction cheatsCheat Need > Make Happy...
NEW! Choose Painting Style (Texture) 04.03.2025 Base Game (Only) Download Download This Mod adds a Picker Menu to Easels where you can choose which Painting you want to craft instead of a random one. | Read more Click to see all XML used in this Mod PaintingStyle_Classics.xmlAnd all...
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Regular Milk is the default for the cow, while the Soy & Chocolate Milk options will appear only when you have fed a cow chocolate or vegetables. The cow produces milk every hour, so once you have milked it, you must wait another hour for more. Milk Jugs will appear in a Sim’s ...