There are currently 192 Gameplay Mods available Mod NameUpdatedrequired DLCsCurseForgeGoogle DriveMod Summary: Update Notes: Overrides Tunings: Small Pottery Overhaul(Early Access till ~ 18th March) 15.03.2025 Businesses & Hobbies CurseForge Patreon EA Makes the Pottery Wheel useable off the Grid, ...
This mod adds some new electives to two universities, and includes the forgotten EA skills as well as custom skills from various popular mods. This mod is fully compatible with Zer0's University Custom Degrees mod. Only the Sims 4 Discover University Expansion Pack is required. The other ...
and includes the forgotten EA skills as well as custom skills from various popular mods. This mod is fully compatible withZer0's University Custom Degreesmod. Only the Sims 4 Discover University Expansion Pack is required. The other
the-sims-4-mods-and-custom-content-en":{"__typename":"Forum","id":"board:the-sims-4-mods-and-custom-content-en","entityType":"FORUM","displayId":"the-sims-4-mods-and-custom-content-en","nodeType":"board","depth":4,"conversationStyle":"FORUM","title":"The Sims 4 Mods & ...
#ts4 #sims 4 #sims 4 survey 1 周前 29 转至固定链接 Share 短网址 TwitterFacebookPinterestGoogle+ Watch: The Sims 4 Businesses & Hobbies Expansion Pack (Rescheduled) Livestream The Sims 4 next expansion pack, Businesses & Hobbies, has a new, rescheduled livestream since last Friday’s ...
This mod provides a basic foundation for all my other mods, crafting recipes, cooking recipes, and harvestables. It has resources that are shared across multiple mods and it keeps my files from becoming bloated with duplicate resources. It also allows yo
Finde Expertentipps, Ratschläge zur Fehlerbehebung, Tutorials für Mods und benutzerdefinierte Inhalte sowie Die Sims 4-Patchnotes.
下載完成後將3個檔案解壓縮,再將Turbo Careers(上班模組)、Go to School(上學模組)、Venue Changes(場地變更模組) 這3個資料夾放入: Documents(文件)\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods 開啟遊戲時,記得先點選主畫面右上角的選單>>遊戲選項>>其他,將自訂內容及允許腳本這2項勾選起來,套用變更後退出遊戲,再重新...
#ts4 #sims 4 #expansion packs #hobbies & Businesses #Youtube 3 周前 20 转至固定链接 Share 短网址 TwitterFacebookPinterestGoogle+It’s Confirmed: Burglars Are Coming to The Sims 4 After weeks of speculation, EA has finally confirmed on The Sims social media channels that the surprise gam...
My Mods Sims 4: Risky Woohoo & Try For Baby Chances Mod Sims 4 Builds Sims 4: Autonomous Proposals & Breakups Mod Autonomous First Kiss! Mod Sims 4: Restaurant Hire Who Ever! Mod Sims 4: Ghosts Can Have Babies! Mod Follow Me!