How to find Mods causing issues in The Sims 4 Once you’ve identified that one or more of your Mods are creating issues, you need to figure out which Mods are the problem. If you have a lot of Mods in your Mods folder, this could take time. ...
11 months ago @greenimsDelete the folder you created. If you've started the game, go to Documents > Electronic Arts > The Sims 4. That's where the user files are, including Mods. More info is inHow to Use Mods and CC No RepliesBe the first to reply ...
文件 – Settings见设置界面,自动检测勾去除,游戏后面4个选择版本分别是origin版、经典版、steam版、试玩版,Game Folder为游戏安装位置,下面的储存目录为你文档内的The Sims 4文件夹 本楼含有高级字体3楼2020-08-15 21:30 收起回复 喵呜噗咪 邪恶帝王 15 一、基础操作此工具会显示当前电脑上下载与储存的人物...
Re: Sims 4 mods folder not spawning #31 Next Hero Post ↓ October Options luthienrising Hero 11 pt @kaytay19x Start the game, then do this to find where your user folder is located: You might *also* need ...
To install, extract the archive using WINZip/WinRAR/7Zip/Unarchiver and place the folder or package files in your mods folder, then look for them in your game. Subscribe the SnootySims Newsletter to receive a list of the 100 Best Sims 4 Mods! In case they lose their chill over cheese ...
.package:if, when you open your .zip, you see a .package, it means you can unzip the file and install .package in My Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 4/Mods folder. Some .packages need a "unpackedmod" folder located in the Mods folder, so create one and edit the Resource.cfg to...
Install Sims 4 mods/CC on Windows PC Step 1. Open WindowsFile Explorerand click "Document" Step 2.Hit Electronic Arts > The Sims 4 Step 3.Now here is theMods folder Step 4.Put the Mods files you installed before into this folder ...
Launch The Sims 4. On the Main Menu, clickGallery. Find the Household, lot, or room you want to save. Click the download arrow button to save it toMy Library. Share content you create to the Gallery Save your household, lot, or room by clicking theSavebutton folder in the top-right ...
–If you have a .package file, it goes in your Mods folder. (…\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods) –If you haveanythingelse (.trayitem, .hhi, .bpi, etc), it goes in your Tray folder. (…\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\ Tray) ...
/data/steam/steamapps/common/The Sims 4 folder to /data/origin/drive_c/Program FIles/EA Games/The Sims 4 Then I also made a bind-mount between the document folder by adding this to the /etc/fstab file so I don't need to move the saves between the installations if I get steam worki...