Download App Now CLUBS AT SCHOOL ByCubiertoDeFlores Mods 19,776 Description BOOSTY•MY CREATIVE CORNER ㅤ [EN]This mod adds the ability to pick the "School" lot as a club hangout point and gather there. To avoid various kinds of bugs, auto-gathering is disabled. If Sims have not gat...
14.01.2025 - Patch 1.112.481 Update23.10.2024 - Patch 1.110.265 Update23.07.2024 - Patch 1.108.318 Update27.02.2024 - Patch 1.105.297 Updates18.07.2023 - Patch 1.99.264 Update14.03.2023 - Patch 1.96.365 Update ( a lot of Mods use XML Injector now, instead of having their own Script...
10+ Mods That Add or Improve Gameplay in The Sims 4October 24, 2019 Back in late September, I did a video showcase of the very talented LittleMsSam covering a small portion of her 100+ Sims 4 mods all in one video. Here’s a list of the mods covered in video format, with links...
No Blur In The Distance, by Shimrod101: Removes the background blur. It was one of my biggest annoyances and the one of the first mods I've downloaded. Finally, I found the Sims 4 very pretty! The landscape is too beautiful to be blurred!
Your clubs have never been this engaging! More Mentorship Opportunities Mentorship has experienced an overhaul, with more Skills that can be mentored and the ability to offer Mentoring directly from Skill objects such as Mischief Skill at a Computer or a Tablet, or Flower Arranging at the Flower...
If you still do not see it, you may need to restart The Sims 4 or disable any UI mods you have installed. The Blast from the Past Event will be available to players until 3/18. While no new quests will be added after 3/04, players can still complete quests and claim any event ...
About This Thread This thread tracks Sims 4 mods and CC that have been "broken" or made obsolete by game updates or declared unsupported by their creators... - 9287040
In reply to emile27: just found out now as well this game broke clubs for me. pwneddegen View user profile Send message November 2, 2024 6766483 hello new mod user here just wondering can i use this as well as kuttoe's townie demographics mod or is it one or the other thanks in ...
Download free full version The Sims 4 for PC, Xbox One, Mac, PS4, Xbox 360, PS3 at You can get information about ✅The latest sims versions ✅Profesional game review ✅Custom content, cheats, mods.
Checked for broken and updated mods/CC? 12 + XP #4 Next Hero Post ↓ December 2023 - last edited January Options luthienrising Hero Newly Broken/Obsolete CC and Build/Buy Game Mods Last updated: January 15 Broken many (but not all) Toddler presets –causing distorted T...