7、人际关系 成为好友 modifyrelationship [现有角色名字] [现有角色姓] [目标角色名字] [目标角色姓] 90 Friendship_Main 成为情侣 modifyrelationship [现有角色名字] [现有角色姓] [目标角色名字] [目标角色姓] 90 Romance_Main 90为可以控制的数字,可以是负数 8、一些特殊用途 death.toggle false 角色不会死亡...
Using this mega guide for The Sims 4 you can know how to make infinite money/Simoleans faster, find cheat codes, learn all about aspirations, secret locations, hotkeys, shortcuts, controls List, Whims and Earning Satisfaction Points and all about potions and traits....
My coverage of The Sims 4 Eco Lifestyle is underway! Look for more to come in the next few days. Eco Lifestyle Guides Eco Lifestyle Expansion for The Sims 4 - Pack Gameplay Features Cheats for The Sims 4 Eco Lifestyle - learn to change Neighborhood Action Plans, modify the Eco Footpri...
Sims 4 Star WarsThe Sims 4: Star Wars Journey to Batuu has been announced for release on September 8, 2020. You can Learn about the new Game Pack here.I'm a Star Wars fan but feel a little let down in how this is playing out so far. I look forward to trying it to see if it...
You can also modify the specific attributes or motives of your sim with this cheat.How to turn CAS Full Edit Mode Cheat on in The Sims 4 for Playstation 4CAS full edit mode is turned off by default, so you’ll need to turn it on if you want to use CAS cheat features. If you ...
cheat that does not address sims with a space in their first name. When I use the cheat on ...
How do you modify height in Sims 4?With the Height Slider Sims 4 you can easily increase or decrease their height along with changing the shape or length of various body parts such as neck, hip, waist, and more.How to change height in sims 4?
I got rid of all the conflicts and all my "slider" ccs (aka new sliders to modify sims' body appearance for your create a sim) The problem has been fixed ever since. 0 + XP New topic Want more Sims? Check out our Sims forums for tutorials and all things Sims. View more ...
Just wanted to let you know that a cheat has been found which allows you to take away money from the family funds it’s sims.modify_funds [negative amount here] It’s somewhat the equivalent of the familyfunds cheat in TS3 but here what you have to do is specify the amount of cash...
Shift-Clicking the mailbox will allow you to disable need decay for your household or the entire neighborhood. Alternatively, you can shift-click a sim to do this at an individual level where you can also make them happy and modify them in create-a-sim. For more CAS flexibility type in ...