rea_keebz – Increase Stay Over Household Limit roBurky – Fitness Controls RSS90 – Frozen Heart - Magic Scumbumbo team – Always Keep a Doctor at the Hospital, Bugfixes - It's a Crying Shame, Faster Gardening Mod, Keep Books After Publishing, Molding Clay Builds Creativity,...
The household limit is 8, so you should be able to have 3 more Sims or pets within this household. Let's try moving this family out of the current lot and back in, or into a new lot instead. Let me know if this clears up this error for you. ...
You can add funds to the household or increase the progress of a specific sim using the cheat extension. You’ll also be able to make changes to your Sim and your household, no matter where you are in your game. More CAS Columns Mod ...
The Sims 4 completely ignores a common situation in life – having a roommate. With LMS’s roommates mod, you can have a roommate that pays rent, and is completely outside your control. This is something that players frequently want, because it adds some spice to the game. Using LMS’s...
Using LMS’s Roommate Service on your Sim’s phone, you can select from a variety of roommates who will help pay the household’s bills. Here’s a link if you’re interested. Small Mods Package LMS is an awesome modder and has a huge selection of 100+ mods for you to choose from,...
14.10.2022 - Added Support for Vaccum (bust the Dust) and Cottage Living Animals to Level 3 & 4 Anti Fear Skill Click to see all XML used in this Mod broadcaster_Fear_Pet_CoffeeMaker.xml broadcaster_Fear_Pet_Computer.xml broadcaster_Fear_Pet_Dishwasher.xml broadcaster_Fear_Pet_FireObject....
The purchaser of this reward receives a Clone Voucher. Redeem it at the Science Facility to have a Child-Aged clone of your Sim join the household. You cannot purchase this reward if the house in full. (8 Sims) When you go to the Science Facility, you will be given the choice to nam...
MC Command Center is one of my must-have mods for The Sims 4. Here are the settings I'm currently using in my game. I play in a style similar to the way I play The Sims 2 - where my Sims do not progress when I'm not playing them. I control all playable h
4. Play on normal lifespans. 5. You must follow all career-specific restrictions until a Sim reaches the top of that career, at which point the actions and objects previously forbidden by the restriction are now allowed for all sims in the household. ...
In the upcoming patch for Cottage Living, there is a new feature coming to The Sims 4. Negative lot traits now fall into a "Lot Challenges" category where you normally assign them, and there isn't any limit to how many you can apply! You can put 3 good ones on, and ALL the ...