Basically, the mod modifies some Maxis scripts to force “SUPER_SPEED3” by pressing the “3” key or pressing “Ultra Speed” twice in-game. To go back to using the normal “Ultra Speed”: Press the “3” key again, or double-click “Ultra Speed” again. THIS IS A SCRIPT MOD, YO...
05.06.2021- Update of Scripts to make the Mod more compatible with upcoming new Objects and CC Objects which have their own Object Tuning File. Tweak of Auto Update to tr to not let it cancel other Interactions too much. None Better Autonomous Homework 17.03.2024 Base Game (Only) Download ...
This mod increases the number of catalog panel columns in CAS. Three mod options are available: 3 columns, 4 columns and 5 columns.
Do you want the ability to upload photos to the gallery on SimHub, added with the popular Wicked Whims mod, to be available on the phones of your wards? With this mod, while in a flirtatious mood, your character can undress and take a few pictures.
Sim-Nom-Nom Food Delivery Purchase Medicine Purchase Bottled Drinks Better Live Shopping Other mods in the P.S.O. series that do not require the shared library: Pharmacy Kiosk Purchase Occult Book Purchase Ultimate Sunblock *** Mod Support available viamy Discord: ...
From what I see the reason is the outdated scripts mod. After each update, most scripts mods and a large part CC will be spoiled and will spoil the game. Checking what broke down this time after the patch, and replacing these broken ones by a new updated version or dele... I don't work for EA 2 Replies @happymom666 Are you sure that these mods are up to date? Most scripts mods and a lot of CC after the last patch are no longer compatible with the game. ...
This is done by right clicking on the archive file and selecting the ‘Extract Here…’ option. You should now have a folder called ‘WickedWhimsMod.’ Inside this, you should have two files: TURBODRIVER_WickedWhims_Tuning.package TURBODRIVER_WickedWhims_Scripts.ts4script ...
general quality of life improvements for The Sims 4 extension (game-sims4) Don't use sub-directories: the sims 4 expects all .package and .ts4script files to be in the top level of the mods folder. now this would be fine if most mod deve...
t go deeper than one level in Sims 4 folder. For example, a folder “The Sims 4\Mods\MCCC” is perfectly fine. However, a folder “The Sims 4\Mods\Script Mods\MCCC”’ isn’t right. The game Sims 4 shall only penetrate one-level deep while it’s searching for the scripts in ...