Nanny, Butler & Babysitter (Call a BabysitterMod) You need to “Introduce Foster Kids” to the Nanny, Butler or Babysitter. The Interaction is available when clicking on the Nanny etc. This will give them the necessary “has met” Relationship so those NPCs will recognize Foster Kids and tak...
The Sims 4 Seasons expansion now has options! Want to disable weather or make plants in season year-round? You can do so with my newSeasons Tuner Mod Disable Seasonsindividually Always Sunny!Set to Base Game Weather Grow Year Round- Make Plants Always in Season!
从报纸找到的工作是从第一阶开始,电脑找工作是根据人物的技能自动选择,最多从 分享118赞 模拟人生吧 拐角处的妖精 【M4分享】PS4主机版模拟人生4的作弊码虽然主机版模拟人生4没法装mod,但是主机版还是完美移植了作弊码这个系统的,所以还是有捷径可寻的。不过开启秘籍就无法再拿奖杯了。 用PS4手柄输入文字是挺...
Looking for the 100 Puppy/Kitten Challenge? It’s right here! If you’re a fan of my stories, challenges, and ad-free custom content, please consider donating a little something to my coffee fund. Creating Sims content takes up a large amount of my time every day and I love doing it...
"preModCommentAuthorText":"This comment will be published as soon as it is approved","preModCommentModeratorText":"This comment is awaiting moderation","messageMarkedAsOther":"This post has been rejected due to other reasons","messageMarkedAsOther@board:TKB":"This article has been rejected ...
海岛天堂打不开!在线等解答4)点开THE SIMS 3 PETS,很开心的玩了几天,没有去管AMBITIONS5)点开THE SIMS 3 AMBITIONS,LAUNCHER说要更新。更新后顺利进入AMBITIONS的画面~~~背景音乐都不一样呢。退出后,再点THE SIMS 3 AMBITIONS,LAUNCHER自动打开的是PETS!!! 分享17赞 林鸿钧吧 林鸿钧 Gamersgate游戏:The Sims...
byjeanamariex3 Small Dog - Chessie the Beagle "Puppy" Started byAusette 4 Replies 7980 ViewsJanuary 07, 2012, 01:45:05 PM by VampirePlasma Andante Flynn - Adult Female Started byAxiom 0 Replies 3507 ViewsApril 11, 2013, 12:31:38 PM ...
“Help” - Lists all available commands into the command 6128 模拟人生吧 拐角处的妖精 【M4分享】PS4主机版模拟人生4的作弊码虽然主机版模拟人生4没法装mod,但是主机版还是完美移植了作弊码这个系统的,所以还是有捷径可寻的。不过开启秘籍就无法再拿奖杯了。 用PS4手柄输入文字是挺麻烦的,所以给大家两个...
Community Manager 3 years ago @InuWasHereXD Could you also trythe steps hereplease and let me know if you're able to get Cats & Dogs installed that way? No RepliesBe the first to reply About The Sims 4 Technical Issues - Consoles