a.直接注册大学:按住shift,点击主控小人,选取“…”中“注册读大学”。 b.获取升级零件: 输入testingcheats true秘籍,按住shift,点击机器人工作站,选取左下角“ ”,可在背包中添加: 机器人回收材料99、机械零件50、电脑晶片50、电子/厨艺/一般/配管升级零件各50。 B.需要mod a.需要:AllCheats Mod(by: TwistedM...
a.直接注册大学:按住shift,点击主控小人,选取“…”中“注册读大学”。 b.获取升级零件: 输入testingcheats true秘籍,按住shift,点击机器人工作站,选取左下角“ ”,可在背包中添加: 机器人回收材料99、机械零件50、电脑晶片50、电子/厨艺/一般/配管升级零件各50。 B.需要mod a.需要:AllCheats Mod(by: TwistedM...
Before you can enter these cheats for The Sims 4 you’ll need todownload a very simple mod. Moodlet & Emotion Cheats Pregnancy Cheats Death Cheats Change Seasons (Seasons) Change Weather (Seasons) The Sims 4 – All Money Cheats Use the Cheat Console by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+C. Input the ...
First of all, download the mod from the official Deaderpool website. You need to remember that your default mc_cmd_center.ts4script should always be present. The packages and modules should be placed within the same folder. Plus, the folder should not go deeper than a single level. ...
模拟人生4作弊码大全 testingCheats true 大秘籍开启,开启后需按住 shift键 sims.modify_funds 5000000 一次性增加金钱五百万 aspirations.complete_current_milestone 直接完成当前抱负(可增加终生幸福点数) 解锁隐藏物品 bb.showHiddenObjects 解锁奖励物品 bb.ignoreGameplayUnlocksEntitlement ...
The main way you'll actually use cheat codes in The Sims 4 is: Open the game and load up a world Bring up the cheat menu (by pressing Ctrl + Shift + C on PC, or holding down all the shoulder buttons on console) Enter testingCheats true and press Done, if you haven't already ...
If it does not, you can try other options: testingcheats 1, testingcheats true, and testingcheats yes all work to enable the Sims 4's testingcheats. Once enabled, they should stay on for your save. Here are the things you can do with testingcheats - note that this command is also ...
1、金钱修改 不要用motherlode,太累了 直接sims.modify_funds 5000000 500w直接到位 2、人物修改 先开启 testingcheats true 然后cas.fulleditmode 再shitf点击人物 直接进修改界面就能修改所有人物基因数据了 注意cas.fulleditmode 后面不要加true (论坛里秘籍那里写的是错的) ...
No Mosaic Censor Mod for The Sims 4 July 14, 2024 Custom Content LS-Silvia Mini dress B0T0XBRAT Spice Fever Trillyke Hot Mess Drama Skirt Razer – 3D eyelashes it girl hair princesa hair The Sandalwood Set by Serenity-cc Cheats The Sims 4 Dream Home Decorator Cheats ...
The sims 4 建房教学 来自B站up主网页链接 秘籍: (同时按住ctrl+shift+c打开/关闭秘籍输入框 秘籍输入完成后按回车启动) 主秘籍: testingcheats true(输入任何秘籍都要先输入主秘籍) 自由放置物品: (点击物品后按住alt键后移动鼠标到理想位置再次点击物品 松开alt键) ...