Changes needed for the Horse Ranch update MC Woohoo 2023.4.1Has the same version requirements as...
The Mc Woohoo is a useful mod for the players who need a dramatic gameplay. In simple terms, Deaderpool created it as an extension for the Sims 4 MC Command Center. Apart from that, you can also turn on the “Risky Woohoo” option. This option allows you a chance to Woohoo normally w...
Cycle adds menstruation and woohoo risk as problems your sims must deal with. Trying for babies is no longer so easy, and having a night of ecstasy with your partner is no longer so safe. Use caution to avoid unwanted rug rats or carefully track your sim's fertility in order start a fa...
Other Settings > Use Woohoo Skill = Enabled Note:I leave the risky woohoo percentage at zero since I also use theRelationship & Pregnancy Overhaul mod. It takes care of the risky percentage and requires that it’s set to zero in MCCC. Related posts: How I Play The Sims 4 Rotationally S...
Night Stands & Hook Up Calls. Base Chance is set to 5% but can be increased via Addons or completely disabled (see below). Be aware, when you have Mods that add a Pregnancy Chance to the normal ingame Woohoo Interactions (Risky Woohoo), it will affect the One Night Stand Woohoo as ...
I’m at a lost, and you seem to be very helpful. I’m trying to download the Mc command center mod and the Mc woohoo. They are showing up in my mods in the... - 9325104
Input the parent’s traits in the parent trait boxes (NOTE: sometimes the 2nd and 3rd Parent trait lists don’t show up in their boxes right away when you click it. This is a known bug that we haven’t figured out how to fix. All you need to do is click the box a few more ti...
Sims 4 Randomly Closes Itself After Jan 22 Update After the new kits came out I opened an entirely new Sims 4 save. The only mod I have is MCCC with the Woohoo module. I play on Windows, PC. When I play, the game runs perfectly fine other than the fact that after running fine ...
though the base likelihood is at 5% by default. But you can increase or nullify these possibilities with the add-ons. Simmer can make the most of the WickedWhims woohoo, which provides a sexually charismatic trait to you should you don’t have it already. Find true love, go on adventurous...
Adult Life: WooHoo Drive, Roles, Styles & Preferences Charm & Chemistry: Attraction System Custody & Permanent Separations Dating App: Meet&Mingle! Expanded WooHoo: New WooHoo Options Fertility & Protection Insemination & Surrogacy Jealousy & Cheating (Infidelity) Expansion & Overhaul ...