Latest MC Command Center List The creator for Sims 4 Mc Command Center brings all new and latest versions for the game mod. When utilizing the MCCC, it’s necessary to update the module with the latest version to enjoy the features it adds to the existing module. You can refer to ourmc...
Give Sim a job: "careers.add_career (career name)" Promote Sim to next position: "careers.promote (career name)"The Sims 4 career list activist actor adult_active_scientist adult_critic adult_freelancer_agency_maker adult_freelancer_agency_programmer adult_freelancer_agency_writer adult_freelancer...
Join Simmers like you, discuss your time with the game, and find fixes in The Sims FreePlay official community.5,579 Posts Recent Discussions
Give Sim a job: "careers.add_career(career name)" Promote Sim to next position: "careers.promote(career name)" The Sims 4 career list activist actor adult_active_scientist adult_critic adult_freelancer_agency_maker adult_freelancer_agency_programmer ...
The Sims 4 Work on Wheels “Celebrate the spirit of community and innovation, and make every neighborhood come to life with mobile businesses, where your Sims can explore dynamic careers on wheels. Transform an old truck into a thriving mobile business—be it a food truck, mobile salon, or ...
The list below is part of our effort totackle technical issues, and is directly influenced by the amount of community reports through AnswersHQ andThe Sims 4 EA Forums.We have now fully moved all bug reporting to the EA Forums, so please continue toupvote or submit any issues you are expe...
make life easier for yourself is by having Sims reach the tops of careers. Each career branch has its own set of restrictions tied to it. You must abide by all of those restrictions. However, once a Sim reaches the top of a career branch, the restrictions related to that career branch ...
10 collections and be the envy of all collectors out there. You earn one point for each collection you complete. No partial points are given for partial collections. With the December update adding Business and Athletic, those careers are now needed to fulfill the career points in this ...
Find here a list of the mods I have installed in my Sims 4 game to enhance my gameplay experience, or to remove annoyances.
27.12.2024 - Removed Blacklist of Ghosts in SimFilters19.12.2024 - Added some Tests so only Sims that are awake and on the Lot can ask NPCs to go for a Walk etc. The reason is that the Game let's NPCs that are off Lot despawn if all your Sims are asleep or off Lot. This Game...