More Creator Kits Coming Soon We’ve been so excited to share four Creator Kits with the Sims community since their launch inNovember 2024. These are the kits that custom content creators pitch, design, and develop alongsideThe Simsteam to bring their unique style toThe Sims 4. We recently ...
The “Needs TLC” lot trait includes electric boxes and pipes that will short circuit and leak respectively. Needless to say, this will cause your Sims to feel very negatively. They can either attempt to fix the object themselves or use the Complain to Landlord interaction. Landlords – Your ...
These are the kits that custom content creators pitch, design, and develop alongside The Sims team to bring their unique style to The Sims 4. We recently released Pierisim’s Refined Living Room and Madlen’s Business Chic, and have more Creator Kits on the way! Keep an eye out for Sy...
原文地址: 18楼2025-01-08 23:39 回复 番薯家族初代目 小吧主 13 关于明明活着但老是被游戏造谣已经死了的模拟市民 Rattigan,在此附上网友吐槽:玩家连年累月地反映的bug没修,修了个没人关心的NPC 19楼2025-01-08 23:55 收起回复 ...
Sims 4 packs Solved 49 minutes ago gabrielleg21xo EA app "couldn't connect to server" while trying to purchase new packs or kits 2 hours ago PhalguniSai Connection failed 2 hours ago ros9xx Memory leak 16 hours ago Sandman192 Frustrating White Box/Square Teambuilder issue 18 ...
Beyond performance fixes,The Sims 4is getting a new season soon, calledSeason of Love. This will introduce the new Flirtatious Expansion Pack, along with updates and new destination kits.
I have AAA action adventure games that doesn't use this much memory. I have all packs (EP, GP, SP, kits) and I am using the new EA app.","body@stringLength":"1061","rawBody":" Hi. Noticed while playing today that my Sims 4 is using 10GB of RAM. I had it on Ultra ...
This comes days after a leak that suggests that the new expansion pack for The Sims 4 is called Businesses and Hobbies. According to the latest roadmap, its release date could be as soon as February 25th. ALT Along with the EP announcement trailer and blog post, there’s a chance more ...
":{"__typename":"Conversation","id":"conversation:11933012","topic":{"__typename":"ForumTopicMessage","uid":11933012},"lastPostingActivityTime":"2025-02-27T14:11:54.257Z","solved":false},"ForumTopicMessage:message:11933012":{"__typename":"ForumTopicMessage","subject":"Windows Only Kits...