Where is the Sims 4 CC folder? Here's what you'll need to do to install and play with your Sims 4 CC: Download CC and unzip compressed folders if applicable. Drag your .package files or an unzipped folder with .package files inside into the Sims 4 "Mods" folder. The Sims 4 mods...
{"__ref":"Forum:board:the-sims-4-technical-issues-pc-en"},"conversation":{"__ref":"Conversation:conversation:11732284"},"subject":"Re: Sims 4: Kids Showing with Shoes On","readOnly":false,"editFrozen":false,"moderationData":{"__ref":"ModerationData:moderation_data:11732286"},"body"...
I've done just about everything except using Sims 4 Studio to untag all basegame kids shoes and non-nude outfit. For some odd reason this seems to only be affecting kids. When kids go into the shower or the sauna, everything is normal except they have shoes on. No accessories or anyt...
Please consider doing Rewards Events on aseparate savewith anempty Mods folder. This will ( 1 ) help avoid any mods conflicts with the event, ( 2 ) prevent any issues from messing with your favourite save, and ( 3 ) possibly mean fewer other game events interfere with the...
It's still a good idea to keep a regular backup of your Saves folder by copying that folder to a different place but not by syncing on OneDrive on Windows.) Last updated: December 28 MCCC = updated MC Command Center; BE = updated Better Exceptions; TM fix = new mod ...
These and the mods under "Updated" are theONLYKawaiiStacie mods that you should have in your Mods folder. Remove any others. alEXCEPTandRSM: No Auto Dive For Meals In Dumpster, which are updated LoryNa Lot 51 lotharihoe now with more options; Longer University Degreesnow s...
what shoes do they have on ? The ones they have on one of their outfits (like they simply don't take them off ?) or random ones ? Did you test a fresh save when you tested vanilla or just removed your mods ? kudo count Reply ...
Simandy – Luz Eyes –updated byghostwitchs-cc –for Aliens; on Tumblr and Mod the Sims trillyke – Cherish Beret –moodlet removed Skin Details.package –creator not known; causes broken faces SkinsMerged4HQ and SkinsMerged4–creator not known; cause broken fa...
Sleep Without Shoes or Glasses – Helen the Hunter, adopted fromJamjars –on CF Small Laundry Overhaul - Doing Laundry On Community Lots Costs Money – LittleMsSam Smart Gender Cheats – Andirz –reupdated Smart Shared Core – Andirz –reupdated ...