所有的模組補丁都是放置在Documents(文件)\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods資料夾中(人物、房屋除外),若需要放置在別處資料夾的模組,那就建議不要裝了,避免遊戲崩壞。 PS: 人物及房屋是放置在Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Tray資料夾。 記得到遊戲選項內進行設定。遊戲選項>>其他>>【啟用自訂內容與模組、允許腳本...
This one seems to be a fairly recent release by Kawaii Stacie. Build out a resort lot and plan an event on your Sim's phone. You can use the Become a Resort Owner event to trigger ownership of a resort lot, and from then on you will have a Resorts skill that you can gradually lev...
@KawaiiLiron Curseforge is official, aka Maxis worked with Curseforge to bring a way to add mods. Sims 4 Mod manager is a fan project from what I can tellCurseforge at this point is a centralized place where you can download mods/cc that have been checked by Curseforge while the...
Explore My Mods!Color Picker for Builders, Seasons Tuner, Dine Out Reloaded and a Gameplay Overhaul! Like other modders, I've been working to make The Sims 4 a better game.Check out my many mods here! Very Happy can be easily turned into any Career/Skill-boosting Emotion ...
Is there away I can play the game with my mods? 1 + XP #6 November 2017 Options ajb279 ★ Novice Im having the same issue and am wondering what he meant by that. 0 + XP #7 December 2018 Options KawaiiWolf5657 ★★ Novice It’s 12/22/18 and I am having the same...
colonolnuttymodswiki.com92%6.3Kゲーム > ビデオゲーム機と付属品#54,119分析するcolonolnuttymodswiki.com比較する-colonolnuttymodswiki.com kawaii-stacie.com90%50.9Kゲーム > ビデオゲーム機と付属品#17,974分析するkawaii-stacie.com比較する-kawaii-stacie.com ...
The Random Trait Generators have been updated for The Sims 4 Get Famous. Primary Parent Trait 1: Trait 2: Trait 3: Secondary Parent Trait 1: Trait 2: Trait 3: Child Traits Provide any child traits that were previously generated Generate ChildClear...
@KawaiiLiron Curseforge is official, aka Maxis worked with Curseforge to bring a way to add mods. Sims 4 Mod manager is a fan project from what I can tellCurseforge at this point is a centralized place where you can download mods/cc that have been checked by Curseforge whi...
@KawaiiLiron Curseforge is official, aka Maxis worked with Curseforge to bring a way to add mods. Sims 4 Mod manager is a fan project from what I can tellCurseforge at this point is a centralized place where you can download mods/cc that have been checked by Curseforge...
Explore My Mods!Color Picker for Builders, Seasons Tuner, Dine Out Reloaded and a Gameplay Overhaul! Like other modders, I've been working to make The Sims 4 a better game.Check out my many mods here! Try for Baby options only come up after romance has been developed. Strategically build...