Perfect for kawaii, alternative, or edgy styles. Thank you very much for your support! More downloads on my Patreon! My Tumblr My Website My TwitterCurseForge - a world of endless gaming possibilities for modders and gamers alike.Download the best mods and addons!
Input the parent’s traits in the parent trait boxes (NOTE: sometimes the 2nd and 3rd Parent trait lists don’t show up in their boxes right away when you click it. This is a known bug that we haven’t figured out how to fix. All you need to do is click the box a few more ti...
This one seems to be a fairly recent release by Kawaii Stacie. Build out a resort lot and plan an event on your Sim's phone. You can use the Become a Resort Owner event to trigger ownership of a resort lot, and from then on you will have a Resorts skill that you can gradually lev...
kawaiipotato1805 years ago Sims getting embarrassed all the time I’ve been playing my save file for a while now, and I started to get a glitch where my sims get embarrassed without anything happening. I’m doing an 100 baby challenge so I had my 4 teens and 3 kids do their homework...