Day 48: Our instruments keep detecting the strange signal but we still can't identify the source. Nora believes it's an ancient alien message and continues building a rocket that theoretically will be able to travel to outer space. The light emitted by the plants keep pulsing at variable fre...
Entertainers will perform on instruments or with the microphone to entertain guests. Mixologist: Can be hired for §100. Mixologists will man bars on the lot and serve drinks. Masseuse:[TS4:SD] A masseuse can be hired by Sims who own a massage table or reflexology chair. Landlord:[TS4:...
Canvas - Sell your own Paintings in your own Gallery. Woodworks - You can sell all Woodworks you can create via the Woodworking Table including Objects made with my More Woodworks Mod. Some Interactions are disabled for self created Instruments so your Sims shouldn’t use them on their own wh...
Entertainer (Musician)– You cannot buy a stereo. You can only practice on instruments. Entertainer (Comedian)– No dates, no parties at home, and no inviting other sims over. Only one sim per generation can join the household. Sims also can’t use mirrors to practice. ...
Finally, there's also a 4 hour +1 happy buff when they make something. This trait is not well thought out and not deep.Music Lover Game Description: These Sims gain powerful Moodlets and boost their Fun Need when Listening to Music and become Happy when playing instruments. Trait ...
i6Ho NnipacpChoalc,ma3mb.5ep KracClosln,li2tca eCisnaioCnfgl22,t0h10e. 2μs NmamatHeh2iscPokOlun4te,iso1sn.3wa Metr3ge3Cc °ulC2t, (pH 7.4). The intracellular Ca2+ was measured by immersing the hippocampal slices with the long wavelength calcium indicator ...
Baumann, S. M., Martner, C. C., Martin, D. W., Blattner, R. J., Braundmeier, A. J., A study of electron beam evaporated SiO2, TiO2, and Al2O3 films using RBS, HFS, and SIMS. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. B45, n1-4, p664-668, 1990...
Mountbatten (CC7) 在808米外,步行需要11分钟。 Kallang (EW10) 在982米外,步行需要13分钟。 哪些公交线路在 Blk 51 Sims Drive附近停靠? 这些公交线路在Blk 51 Sims Drive附近停靠: 100, 134, 137, 63, 80。 哪条 地铁 线路在 Blk 51 Sims Drive 附近停靠? EAST WEST LINE 在Southeast,离Blk 51 Sims...
Claimed Objects like Tablets, Instruments will be put into the Inventory after being used *** Recommandation: If you allow non Household Members to use those Objects and want to set it back to public I recommend to remove the Access for those before doing so. ...
Photoshop CC was used to create the icons and career screenshots. Sims 4 Icon Pack by puremorphin Golden winged globe emblem by Juhele at openclipart Avion hat vectors at Vecteezy JUNE 23/23 - POLISH TRANSLATION ADDED! Please download the version entitled Simmiller_Careers_AirlineEmployee_ECFGP...