University Life includes the brand new Social Group feature. Similar to building skills, Sims can gain influence in each of the three social groups:Jocks, Nerds, and Rebels. As Sims level up in social groups, they unlock new features & interactions. To gain influence in each of the social ...
♦ Wish for a Child –Wishing for a child can bring all sorts of surprises! This wish is granted by giving your Sim an Infant, Evil Child or if you have the Sims 3 Pets expansion installed, kittens and puppies! Whichever your Sim is granted automatically becomes part of the family....
sims 4 wont load Havent been able to open the sims game on mac for a few weeks now, when i try open it it simple shakes, opens the origins app and then nothing happens. ive tried everything, updated the mac, reinstalled both origins and sims, repaired the game, moved it to desktop...
I have done this multiple times. The first time I played was probably the most fucked up story ever. I had the heir die in adulthood. The two kids died in a fire. The last king became the heir. In that family, I chose a townie that did nothing, wouldn’t ever go to work when ...
TYAE_CheckOn_Infant_Nanny.xml broadcaster_Infant_StinkyDiaper.xml Age: template_nanny.SimTemplateTuning.xml No Uniform: jobs_nanny.SituationJobTuning.xml Working Time: serviceNpc_Nanny.ServiceNPCTuning.xml phone_HireNanny.InteractionTuning.xml Hire 2 Nanny: nanny_role_start.RoleStateTuning.xml Buy ...
Whenever I try to put an infant on or in something made for them they glitch and don’t sit on the item correctly. For example none of my infants have slept in cribs because they glitch out and they can’t lay on playmates either. I end up just laying them on the floor because ...
Infant, Toddler, Child And Teen Skills Tips For Raising A Toddler How To Develop Child Skills How To Develop Toddler Skills How To Build A Toddler's Thinking Skill How To Build A Child's Creativity Skill How To Build A Child's Mental Skill How To Build A Child's Social Skill How To ...
First up is a mega Ts3 conversion set by The Raven at moonlight dragon (you will need an account with tapatalk to download, it’s all free though) 1 / 11 DOWNLOAD The raven has done many hospital items including infant incubators and NICU beds ...
Imaginary friend’s are quite useless until your children become toddlers. They just sit in the crib and do nothing. Once your infant has turned into a toddler, you can go ahead and choose for your toddler to spend lots of time with the doll, so they start building a relationship. You ...